This is an article from the October-November 1982 issue: Mission Agencies and the Final Frontier

Frontier Fellowship

Frontier Fellowship

Movement Grows

One indication of the rapid growth of the Frontier Fellowship in churches and Christian groups across the nation is the growing number of subscriptions to the Frontier Fellowship Daily Prayer Guide.

In September, the National Office of the Frontier Fellowship added 92 Daily Prayer Guide subscriptions to the number of those participating in the program. However, in October this number increased to 236 new individual and church subscribers.

This brings the number of paid, monthly Daily Prayer Guide subscriptions to 964.

Of course, these figures do not include the 20,000 prayer guides distributed by the twelve mission agencies and Christian organizations who each produce their own monthly version of the booklet.

Frontier Fellowship Student Paricipation Climbs

Student mission mobilization groups like "The Caleb Project," "National Student Mission Coalition, and "Theological Students for Frontier Missions" are promoting the Frontier Fellowship as one of the key tools in fostering a vision for frontier missions in the student world today.

A student edition of the Daily Prayer Guide is edited by the Student Mobilization office at the U.S. Center for World Mission, and is distributed to student groups throughout the country.An Inter Varsity Chapter at Minot, North Dakota is using the Daily Prayer Guide and sending its loose change to the Africa Inland Mission to help reach unreached people through that agency's ministry.

More than Loose Change

A gift of $200.00 from Kailu, HI, two $300.00 checks from a believer in Madisonville, KY, stock worth $1800.00 from a couple in the midwest: these are just some of the many larger non Loose Change donations catalyzed by the Frontier Fellowship, and flowing out to agencies and churches for frontier mission work among Hidden Peoples. The Frontier Fellowship's triple devotional impact of daily prayer, reading, and loose change giving is touching lives. Just as Jesus said, "He who is faithful in little will be faithful in much"!

Key Evangelical Free Churches Launch Frontier Fellowship Programs

A number of influential congregations in the Evangelical Free Church have initiated Frontier Fellowship programs.

The Crystal Evangelical Free Church in Minneapolis has a monthly "Third Sunday for the Third World" program coordinated by Dr. Larry Cairns.

Free churches in Deerfield and Rockford, Illinois kicked off their Frontier Fellowships this September.

In Southern California, Rev. Bruce Camp, missions pastor of Fullerton's First Evangelical Free Church (pastored by Chuck Swindoll) has introduced the program for the 60 missionaries¬intraining at their church.

LACC Frontier Fellowship Targets Berbers

The Lake Avenue Congregational Church of Pasadena, CA, has teamed with the North Africa Mission to make the unreached Berber tribes of Morocco their Frontier Fellowship targets.

Their monthly Frontier Fellowship meetings (before a Sunday evening service) have featured NAM workers preparing to minister among the Berbers, and special prayer for this outreach.

Loose change offerings for Lake Avenue's Frontier Fund are designated for this work.

Presbyterian Church Focuses on Frontiers

The True Light Presbyterian Church in Los Angeles began their Frontier Fellowship last May. Missions Chairman Warren Lee regularly encourages all members to pray through the Daily Prayer Guide

At their monthly Frontier Fellowship gathering (after an all church Sunday luncheon) special missionary speakers present the needs among the world's unreached peoples.

True Light Church has teamed with Africa Inland Mission to reach the Toposa tribe of southern Sudan, and with Wycliffe Bible Translators to reach the Hindus of Nepal. Their regular loose change offerings are divided between these two strategic projects.


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