From the Director
Dear Reader,
People were on tip toes, everywhere I went in February. I touched Vancouver, Canada, Washington, DC, Columbia S . C., Decatur, GA, and Wilmore, KY. (That was my travelling month!)
This was true for both student groups and all church conferences. Everyone was excited to learn more about the rising tide of concern all across the world to plant a witness within every, last remaining pocket of society. More and more are willing to believe that it really is possible!
Especially exciting is the new campaign for a daily awareness of the Hidden Peoples. WHAT A BLESSING HAS COME TO US FROM THAT HUMBLE TRIBAL GROUP IN WESTERN BURMA!
But on the plane I have had time to think a lot about a daily discipline. How readily will people in the U.S. yield to one more daily disturbance? Will this easily become a mere nuisance? For example, I didn't used to like stop lights. In a hurry, red lights can be infuriating especially if they just barely catch you. But I have been trying something new. I am trying to get in the habit of using red lights for special moments of prayer. This is beginning to turn red lights into welcome blessings.
Can't the same be true for the daily discipline of throwing loose coins into a jar labeled "Remember the Hidden Peoples"? Hauling those coins out of your pocket or pocketbook is a tangible interruption. It is as definite as a red stop light. It reminds us to pray and to pray for the world's most needy people.
I am thinking. Just how difficult will it be to enlist people in the daily discipline of a Loose Change Fellowship for Frontiers? (See pages 4 6) Can we follow the example of tribal people
There is one problem, however. Recently, I found I didn't have a dime to make a phone call in the airport. Only the "charge a call" booth saved me. The night before I had put all my coins in an envelope I carry in my suitcase! (Maybe some people need to save out a dime.) It really is not all that important how many coins we have each day.
The greatest value in that light that goes red even when we are rushing is the keen, rich value of that moment of deeper fellowship with our Father in Heaven. This is a blessing to be received and then to be shared. Let's pray for a million people to do this with us, for a starter.