This is an article from the September 1984 issue: One of America’s Largest General Missions Decides to Double

From the Director

From the Director

Dear friends,

This issue on "Mission Growth" was planned to come out just in time for the huge meeting of mission executives. Thus we'll have to tell you what happened at the meeting in the next issue (to follow shortly). We at least know now :1   that registrations are beyond estimates. That means there is now no doubt that: "This meeting of more than 400   mission executives from more than 140 agencies will certainly be the largest ever held on the West Coast." We also can't tell you much more about peoples' response to our falling into a S 90 day foreclosure period, since this is going to press at almost the same time as the September issue. There is where our plans are laid out.

However, long before the foreclosure issue came up we had planned to let you in on the amazing new wave in America today of planning for MISSION GROWTH.

More important than the survival of our campus as a huge cooperative mission center is the miraculous ground swell of new courage and hope in the mission world.

Perhaps this amazing change only makes our two main purposes for existence more important than ever:

  1. to scout out the details of the remaining task, and
  2. to funnel this information to U.S. mission agencies, churches and student groups.

Can 17,000 Hidden Peoples be reached by the year 2,000? Can there be "A CHURCH FOR EVERY PEOPLE BY THE YEAR 2,000"?THAT GOAL is now MUCH more likely to be reached than when that statement was coined back in 1080. Peruse this issue which is bursting with hope and optimistic plans. Don't ever think this is a time to quit or succumb to foreclosure!

*Flash: as this goes to press, the turn out was not Yours, with excitement, 400 but 432, and mission agencies represented were about 170 (not counting 33 schools)   perhaps the largest meeting on U.S. soil measured by the I ' 170 figure.


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