This is an article from the June-July 1983 issue: Is this the Beginning of the End, or the End of the Beginning?

From the Director

From the Director

Dear faithful friend,

It is hard for me (and other long term staff here) to realize that we are now so close to so monumental a deadline. You find it hard to believe that so simple a plan could possibly work. I don't blame you.

We are simply asking for church people who have followed and prayed for us all these years to do one final work project for us  mail founders invitations out to people outside their congregation, people who might never otherwise have a chance to believe in HOPE along with us.

Our part (the human part) is to find 1,200 churches or resourceful individuals who will in turn find 100 Good Samaritans who will be willing to sit down and spend 30 '5 minutes prayerfully sending out ten invitations. (Note that 1,200 x 100 x 10 1.2 million people getting invitations with personal notes!)

I think I can believe that. But this plan is built on the crucial assumption that one out of three (of the 1.2 million getting invitations) will respond.

A spiritual miracle is clearly necessary for this. If only each person giving out or mailing out these invitations (see sample enclosed) can effectively wrestle with the Spiritual task of

reviving belief, vision, hope in ten carefully chosen friends and contacts!

Please realize that reaching over a million people with the enclosed invitation is a very wonderful goal, even apart from what funds may or may not come to the USCWM.

We feel we must seek first the spreading of hope and vision and that all these small gifts will then be added to us.

Let me summarize: 1. Each 'Hope" Chest has 100 Packets. 2. Each "I'll Touch Ten" Packet contains 10 invitations.

By the moment you receive this we will have 1,200 of these "Hope" Chests ready to ship. Please call in and talk to one of us about this. During the day (Calif. time) call 213 794 052 collect. If busy, call 213 797 1111, ask for Greg, Carol or Todd. After hours call 213356 9798 (Greg) or 213 793 1899 (Carol).


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