This is an article from the March 1989 issue: God at Work in the Soviet Caucasus

Can You Help Part-Time Behind the Scenes?

Can You Help Part-Time Behind the Scenes?

Every mission agency needs more people to work behind the scenes—even part-time. How about you? Could you volunteer some of your time?

If you live in a metropolitan area, there is probably a mission agency or mission representative located near you. Find out how you could help! On the back cover of this issue of Mission Frontiers, for example, you'll find the addresses and phone numbers of regional centers for world mission in North America.

Or, if you live in southern California (or would be willing to visit for awhile!), here are some vital ministries you could perform at the Pasadena campus of the U.S. Center for World Mission:

Morning and Noon Receptionists—Every morning the USCWM staff meet to hear from God's Word and learn about His works in our midst. A relief receptionist from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m. would free our own phone receptionist to attend those meetings.

When the receptionist goes to lunch, telephone calls are routed to our Prayer Room. Though the Prayer Room is intended to serve as a backup message center, the volume of phone traffic during the noon hour often keeps the assigned staff member from praying at all! A relief operator would solve that problem.

Bookkeeper—Various departments and divisions of the Center maintain separate bank accounts for decentralized financial budgeting and control. Experienced bookkeepers and accounting clerks are needed to serve one or more such accounts. How much time do you have available? 5 hours a month? 10 hours a week?

Order Processing Clerk—Each day we process 40-50 orders for missions literature and tapes. Even 8 hours of volunteer help per week would be welcome. u Shipping Clerk—Just picking and packing those orders requires 4 to 5 hours of work per day.

Address Corrections Clerk—With a mailing list of 70,000, there are always changes of address to be entered into the computer. Precious missions dollars can be wasted by mailing to the old address, not to mention the effect on prayer power and mission vision if people don't receive their copies of Mission Frontiers or the Global Prayer Digest. This important behind-the- scenes task can be accomplished in 10-15 hours per week.

Mail Courier—Could you spare one hour a day to drive our van to the post office with the day's mail?

Course Records Clerk—Currently about 1100 people are enrolled in the Perspectives Study Program in churches and schools all over the country. While papers are graded by the coordinators at each of the 29 locations, records are maintained here in Pasadena. Data entry and filing of such records can be done on a flexible schedule of 40-60 hours per month.

Breakfast Cook—You don't have to be a great cook to put out breakfast for about 40 students and staff. But dependability is a must if the regular kitchen staff is to be relieved of this responsibility.

Weekend Cook—Those who live in our dorm and guest facilities must patronize local stores and fast-food restaurants on the weekends when the dining hall is closed for lack of staff. Your services would be greatly appreciated.

Writer/Researcher—Imagine researching and writing four 300-word articles per month for the Global Prayer Digest. You set the schedule for the 40-60 hours per month that would be involved.

Childcare Workers—The USCWM is loaded with young mission activists, both students and staff of the various agencies and departments on campus. Many of them are married with small children. The Extended Family Coop provides much- needed childcare to free up the parents to work or study. We need an administrator 5-10 hrs/week, an experienced early childhood teacher (certification not required) five mornings a week, and other dependable helpers one or more mornings a week.

If you are willing to serve behind the scenes at the USCWM in one of these or other positions, call Evelyn Varney at (818) 398-2315.


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