Jesus Movements

Can you have genuine members of the Body of Christ who do not consider themselves “Christian” but do consider themselves Bible-believing followers of Jesus? Is it possible to have people who faith- fully study the Bible in order to follow and obey Jesus but who also consider themselves to be Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews...culturally?

This Month's Articles

Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist Followers of Jesus: How Should We Respond? Editorial

Muslim, Hindu, and Buddhist Followers of Jesus: How Should We Respond?

Can you have genuine members of the Body of Christ who do not consider themselves “Christian” but do consider themselves Bible-believing followers of Jesus? Is it possible to have people who faithfully study the Bible in order to follow and obey Jesus but who also consider themselves to be Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews…culturally?

Tags: buddhism, hindu, jesus movements, muslim

Mission Frontiers Needs Your Help Other

Mission Frontiers Needs Your Help

The vision of Mission Frontiers is to foster a global initiative to establish a church planting movement within every people group. We are a vision-casting ministry, but we also share with you the...

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Tags: donate

Jesus Movements Feature

Jesus Movements

Discovering Biblical Faith in the Most Unexpected Places

There is a growing phenomenon taking place concurrently within at least every sizeable region of the world today. People within numerous different tribal cultures and also people within the...

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Tags: jesus movements

Jesus Living and Discipling Among the Lost Feature

Jesus Living and Discipling Among the Lost

In the Gospels we have recorded for us four distinct movements of the gospel of the kingdom. Two of them were among the Jews. Matthew’s Gospel gives the details of a movement in Galilee that had...

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Tags: jesus movements

All Things are Yours Feature

All Things are Yours

In a classic text on cross-cultural ministry Paul stated his policy of becoming all things to all men so that by all means he might save some (1 Cor. 9:22). This is sometimes treated as a...

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Tags: hindu, jesus movements, muslim

Can the Kingdom of God Break out of Christendom? Feature

Can the Kingdom of God Break out of Christendom?

In Hawaii we visited a volcano famous for its red-hot streams of flowing lava. As soon as the hot lava hits the air, it cools rapidly, forming black crusts so hard it can be walked on while molten...

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Tags: christendom, christianity, jesus movements, kingdom of god

Living and Discipling in the Hindu World Feature

Living and Discipling in the Hindu World

My name is Ventakesh and my home is India. I was brought up in a strict, high caste Hindu family, and we had our own pooja room where we had daily prayers to the Hindu gods. We maintained all the...

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Tags: hindu, hinduism, india

A Muslim Tribal Chief is Bringing Jesus to His People Feature

A Muslim Tribal Chief is Bringing Jesus to His People

Like most people in my tribe, when I was a young boy I went to the madrasah (Islamic school) for training in the Quran and preparation for jihad (holy war). As I read the Quran, I noticed that it...

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Tags: islam, jesus movements, muslim

Syncretism Feature


On Saturday, Dow and I were working to translate Bible study materials from English to Thai. We hit the word “syncretism” and had to work hard to find and to understand the meaning. The best we...

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Tags: syncretism

Possible Pitfalls of Jesus Movements Feature

Possible Pitfalls of Jesus Movements

The Jesus movements that are springing up these days in non-Christian religious contexts seem radically different from anything we have seen before. The questions many are asking are, Will these...

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Tags: jesus movements

Godly Disagreement in an Age of Slander Marginalia

Godly Disagreement in an Age of Slander

One of my favorite books published by William Carey Library is the 1977 release of The Night Cometh: Two Wealthy Evangelicals Face the Nation. It was written by Rebecca Winter (now Lewis) and tells...

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Church Planting Movements from One Indian Perspective Other

Church Planting Movements from One Indian Perspective

Why don’t most ministries produce the kind of fruit evident in the book of Acts? How is it that “all of Asia” heard the word of the Lord in just two years (Acts 19:8–12)? How can the house church movement in the West complement effective congregational models like that of Real Life Ministries (featured in the Jan-Feb 2011 issue of MF)? A network of leaders in India offers fresh insight through their integration of knowledge and power.

Tags: church planting

The Tragedy in Japan – A Personal Statement Raising Local Resources

The Tragedy in Japan – A Personal Statement

I was young and single when I went to Africa for the first time as a missionary volunteer.  After spending two years there (1961-63), one thing became clear to me:  I did not want to return to...

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How Is Missions Working Out For You? Part 2 Further Reflections

How Is Missions Working Out For You? Part 2

In the last issue, I asked the question: Since 86% of the Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists of the world do not know a Christian personally, what should we do?

Or better, what should we do...

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Tags: jesus movements

Translation Issues Relevant to Jesus Movements Web Only

Translation Issues Relevant to Jesus Movements

Historical Debates on Translation Issues

The translation of texts is an ancient practice and the discussion and debate surrounding translation date back at least a few millennia. The ancient...

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Tags: jesus movements, translation

More FREE Books Web Only

More FREE Books

Several publishers are again collaborating with Mission Frontiers to offer free review copies of some significant books.

Read below about current and past offerings, then apply here for your...

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Tags: book, promo