This is an article from the September-October 1981 issue: Standing with You for the Hidden Peoples

Why a Frontier Fellowship?

Why a Frontier Fellowship?

From all over, believers are asking:

  • After our annual missions conference, how do we keep the church's vision bright?
  • How can our church raise new money and prayer for the Hidden Peoples yearround?
  • How can we enlarge the frontier vision of Evangelicals throughout America?
  • How can I mature daily

as a World Christian, and personally affect the frontier cause?

What it's all About

The Frontier Fellowship is a national campaign with an international vision.

The Frontier Fellowship Campaign fosters a daily devotional discipline: daily prayer reading and "loose change giving focused on the final frontiers of the gospel. The campaign is modeled after a church of poor tribal Christians in Burma who set aside a "handful of rice" at each meal for missions. Similarly, the Frontier Fellowship helps believers and churches here learn about the Hidden Peoples  and begin to reach them.

What the Frontier Fellowship can do for your church

  1. Stimulate World Christian discipleship by promoting daily personal involvement in frontier missions.
  2. Increase the volume of prayer going up for the earth's most neglected people, the 2.5 billion in "Hidden People" groups.
  3. Build the financial support base for the massive new movement of thousands of missionaries needed to penetrate the untouched frontiers.
  4. Increase knowledge and awareness of the existence and plight of Hidden Peoples.

The Program in Brief

Five essential activities make the Frontier Fellowship a unique stimulus to global frontier outreach.

  1. Establishing a special frontier fund as a part of the church missions budget, and setting goals for congregational involvement in the Frontier Fellowship.
  2. Committing members to daily prayer and loose change giving as "Frontier Prayer Partners."
  3. Enlisting members to attend a regular Frontier Fellowship meeting in the church.
  4. Equipping members to share their global vision with other believers.
  5. Channeling funds to a specific Hidden People outreach.

Where does the money go?

Each group is free to designate its coins to any frontier mission project. The only restriction is the funds be designated exclusively for Hidden People outreach.

Some might suppose that loose coins are financially insignificant. But if an individual's coins average 27 1/2 cents daily, the yearly total from one person would be $100! Think of what this could mean for your church's frontier missions giving!


The first month's sample issue of the Daily Walk Through the World prayer guide is now available! This daily devotional reader has information each day focusing on the frontiers of the Gospel. It is the Frontier Fellowship's most important resource.

Many other exciting Frontier Fellowship materials are already available for individual and group use. (See back page.)

Beginning a Frontier Fellowship in your church

The full Frontier Fellowship program may be adapted as the church chooses.

* Thanksgiving to Easter, as a follow up to conserve and expand the inspiration of the Fall mission conference.

* January to June, inaugurating the new year as a "Year of Vision" for your church, climaxing with a Pentecost Sunday celebration.

* Year round, as an integral component of the church's ongoing mission education program.

Become a frontier prayer partner

You can start today: write for your "Remember the Hidden People" jar label, brochure, and sample Daily Walk Through the World prayer guide.

Begin now saving your loose coins in a jar, each day asking God to open your heart to the least¬reached peoples.

Give Frontier Fellowship materials to your pastor or missions leadership. Encourage them to send for special "How To" materials for beginning a ,Frontier Fellowship.

Become a Frontier Prayer Partner  join the national campaign with an international vision!

From all over:

"We want to assure you that... we plan to implement the loose change method... trusting God to give us at least 2,000 frontier partners." 

Greg L. (U.S. Director, North Africa Mission)

"The idea of 'Hidden Peoples has been revolutionary in my life. The job isn't finished yet!" 

Phil B.

"...God is not searching for superstars of the faith, but willing hearts." 

Lisa S.

"I have just begun to take an interest in what is being done to bring the Word of God to all people of the earth, and so I would like to receive the Frontier Fellowhip Newsletter so that I can keep up to date..."

Jon P.

"God has given me the desire to discipline myself to pray daily for the "hidden people" and missionaries..." 

Ellen G.

"I have been praying and now I would like to become involved. Please send me more information for my Sunday School Dept..." 

Fannie C.

"Please continue to air the [radio] program because it helps me to become better informed about what is on God's heart for reaching the Hidden People, and my part in this goal. Enclosed is a check for the "loose change" I have saved each day..." 

Laurel M.


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