This is an article from the July 1986 issue: Amsterdam ‘86

What’s Happening?

What’s Happening?

WCIU Board Notes Progress

TUESDAY June 24 At the WCIU board meeting held today, Board Chairman Greg Livingstone began the meeting with a call to prayer "for the peoples for whom we exist"

"We need to be reminded that the war is being won," he said. "Since moved to the Center in August '82, the disciplemaking force in has moved from 1 to 40."

"Also, as I came here, WW was leaving  "(he named another Muslim country). "They were saying, 'You can't mention the name of Jesus there.' There are now 40 people in that country for the express purpose of witnessing.. 'When I moved here, only one person with the desire to witness and the ability to speak the language was left to work with (a people group numbering in the millions). Now, there are close to 40 people especially when you count the new believers...

He mentioned still other breakthroughs, some that were almost unbelievable. God is doing something marvelous in our day.

Livingstone also commented on the university. "I've had a breakthrough in my thinking concerning the credibility of WCIU." he said. "Honestly, I have not been particularly proud of my relationship with WCIU. I figured a Ph.D. from WCtU couldn't hold a candle to one from Harvard, Yale, or the like.

"But it finally dawned on me that the credibility of the degree is not based so much on the institution as it is on the mentors one chooses. If 1 were in the Ph.D. program today and someone said. 'Where am you getting your doctorate from?' if I said, 'WCIU,' it might not have much impact On the other hand, if t were to say. 'I'm studying under Buswell, Woodbeny, and Winter,' I could hold my head high. I'm getting the best education available anywhere."


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