This is an article from the October-December 1984 issue: The US Center: Its Present and Its Future

The Services Division Supports All

The Services Division Supports All

The Services Division Is like a three ring circus. It does not initiate any program of its own, but is the "arms and legs' to help implement programs developed by other offices of the USCWM and by its cooperating agencies.For Instance, the Frontier Fellowship staff research and write the Global Prayer Digest But the computers they use for their word processing are part of the Computer Center, under the Division of Services.

The typeset manuscript Is then sent to Graphics, also part of the Services Division, where it is pasted up and the art work added. Finally, the Services Division oversees the printing and the mailing of the finished product.

Almost every office on campus needs brochures, xeroxing, printing, a place to find materials. Services does all this. But it does more.

The William Carey Library, the worlds largest publisher of books on missions, Is a member agency of the Services Division.

So the publication of all sorts of materials Is one of the services which this division offers. That's one ring of the circus. There are others.

Constituency Relations? What's that?

That's our lifeline as an organization. This office is where the mail is opened, sorted, and processed. This office, with the help of the computer center, manages our mailing list.

Perhaps the busiest office on campus Is the mailroom. With one centralized mailroom, we avoid a great deal of duplication of effort. Postage stamps, postage meter, trips to the post office, United Parcel and express mail service.. • all this is provided for every cooperating agency by the Services Division of the USCWM. That's ring two of the circus.

Ring three is the computer Center. About to be incorporated under the name Data Serve, this group of brilliant computer scientists not only help with mailing list management for everyone, but also are involved in writing sophisticated programs that will help the research agencies gather the information they need more efficiently.

The cooperating agencies of this division are as follows:

  • The William Carey Library (publishing house)
  • Trinity Press (with Its modern Heidelberg press)
  • Data Serve (Computer services)
  • Global Mapping Project (OC Ministries sophisticated computerized Unreached Peoples research)

Jeff Liverman, who heads this division, also is in charge of offcampus housing, which is another service which we try to give those who are part of the USCWM community.


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