This is an article from the July 1986 issue: Amsterdam ‘86

The Last $1000 Plan

The Last $1000 Plan

So many dreams await our finishing the purchase of this campus! At that point, the Center would no longer need to raise funds. We would be free to focus all of our staff and resources on mobilizing and helping churches, students, and mission agencies to finish the task of world evangelizatiors.

We have come to believe that this task planting the church among every tribe, tongue, and language can indeed be done, so we're eager to reach the day when we can turn full attention to that task, the day the property payments are complete.

Since it was first announced two months ago, we have continued to receive very positive responses. Friends and supporters seem thrilled and encouraged to know we're attempting to complete the payments and "get on with our main ministries." New responses are coming in each day.

Last month, we shared some letters we've received from lay people throughout the country. This month, we thought you might like to peek over our shoulders at letters we've received from leaders of other Christian ministries.

A summary of the "Last $1000" plan may be found on the back cover of this issue of Mission Frontiers.

Responses from Christian Leaders

Larry Poland, past director of the Agape mission training program of Campus Crusade for Christ, sent his $IOCO pledge with a note of encouragement "The U.S. Center has been, is, and will he strategic for reaching our world. I support it!"

Howard Bailey, Mission Chairman at a major evangelical church, sent his pledge (including several units from his church) and wrote: "Great news! This is the best idea to come out of the U.S. Center.... Count me in!!"

Dick Eastman, executive director of the Change the World Ministries, sent his pledges with a prayer: "My heart's cry is that every leader who believes the Great Commission is possible, and who believes in the significance of Ralph Winter's work through the U.S. Center for World Mission, will instantly respond to the tremendous opportunity be praying...

Dave Howard, previously in charge of the massive urbana student mission conferences (which draw 17,000 students lrienialty), and now director of the World Evangelical Fellowship wrote: "I thank God for the vision He has given ... to finish the task through ministries centered at the U.S. Center for World Mission."

Jack MeAtister, founder of World Literature Crusade and current director of Worship Seminars International wrote: "It's a joy to give 'the last $1000." pray 7,999 others will do the same. I LOVE the USCWM vision with a passion.

Ron Sider, author of Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger, and chairperson of Evangelicals for Social Action, pledged his participation and wrote: "My special calling has been in the area of peace and justice. But I believe with all my heart that we must increase our commitment to cvarigel,sin as we strengthen our social engagement. So I'm glad to share in strengthening one of the important centers for world evangelism today."And Grahant Kerr, known by millions as TV's Galloping Gourmet but now (after coming to Christ) director of the Simple Lifestyle Center, phoned us immediately when he heard of the program. and followed up with a note: 'If it were my last thousand I couldn't believe a better ports se could be served. The fuse for completion of the Great Commission that barns in toy heart was lit because of the U.S. Center and its work. I am so grateful to everyone for simply being there and risking so much for so great a cause.'

Senior pastors from leading evangelical churches also wrote us. For example, Paul Cedar of Lake Avenue Congregational Church, Pasadena, made a personal pledge and wrote.'" I am both excited and enthusiastic about you proposal of 'The Last Thousand Dollars.'... I would be honored and delighted to help you in every possible way as time allows! I rejoice and thank God for the wonderful leadership you are gibing to this important and exciting cause?"

And Jack Hayfnrd, senior pastor at The Church On The Way, Van Nuys. California, wrote an open letter: "Ralph Winter and the team at the U.S. Center for World Mission have spent sufficient years, now, venfying their servant spirit and strategic role in serving today's Church.

"Let us all rise together to finalize the purchase of the land. One grand moment of giving across the national Church in the United States will do it.

"I'm for this 'Last Thousand Dollars' surge. Count on me...   and let us count you!"


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