This is an article from the May 1986 issue: A Bold New Step



More Freedom in China?

According to a report received from house church leaders in China, Hu Yaobang, general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party, told a group of religious leaders that they could have the freedom to evangelize.

He spoke informally to the leaders who attended a meeting of China's National People's Congress last year. He said that if religion is true. the people will accept it, but ijit isn't true, the people will reject it.

This informal conversation with Ho is not official Party policy, nor is there any written documentation, but the church leaders are excited that at least some of the reformist leaders think this way. However, it may be some time before such ideas can be openly expressed in public.

—China News and Church Report quoted In Christian Nationals Evangelism Commission "Partners Update," March 1986.

Thai Bibles to Match Saffron of Monks' Robes

The brilliant saffron of monks' robes have long been a feature of the Thai landscape, and now the bindings of Bibles intended for Buddhist monasteries are being matched in this same vibrant yellow.

The Thailand Bible Society has prepared 5,000 Bibles and is encouraging local churches to persuade both temples and monasteries to accept them.

Each monk has a time set aside daily for study and contemplation. The Bible Society hopes that the monks will find the saffron bound Bibles useful not only for studying comparative religions, but in their personal search for truth. —American Bible Society

Nigerian Christians Confront Muslim Extremism

According to Evangelical Missions Information Service's Pulse, issue of April 4th, "Gen. Ibrahim Babangida seized power in (Nigeria by means of) a bloodless coup last August. (He) introduced a more liberal style of military government He also introduced reforms designed to end the country's prolonged economic crisis.

'But recent political mistakes, combined with falling world oil prices, threaten the stability of his presidency. Many see his most harmful political misstep in his decision to join the Islamic Conference Organization  a 45. member group of mostly Islamic nations.

"Apparently, Babangida underestimated the intensity of opposition among Nigeria's Christian minority. Christians account for just over one third of the country's 100 million people and are concerned over growing Muslim extremism."

Burmese Church Continues to Grow

Though Busma is officially 'closed' to missionaries, the Christian church continues to grow.

Almost 4,000 people gathered in Muse, a town in the Kachin mountains, for the 750' anniversary celebration of Baptist Christian believers. The highlight of the program was a mass river baptism that saw, the immersion of 574 new converts.

A few days later, the annual session of the Kachin Baptist Convention in Mandala attracted 15,700 delegates.  Missionary News Service, March IS, 1986

Zwemer Institute Looks Ahead

Zwemer Institute leaders say "Every indication is that we will enroll 150 students in our Summer Institute .an increase of nearly 40 percent.

"We are reaching 250 people monthly through our Muslim Awareness Seminars which challenge Christians to the task of Muslim evangelism in our country. And God is giving us incredible open doors with Muslims throughout Southern California through our field ministry."  Reported in Zwemer Institute Newsletter, Spring 1986

Reading the Bible for the First Time

James Palkenberg, president of Bible Literature International, an organization that provides funds for the distribution of Christian literature worldwide, said recently, "Twice recently I have had the privilege of visiting Guatemala and seeing the openness that is there for reading the Bible. On more than one occasion I have handed a Testament to a soldier and then watched as he stood nunsfixed for a half how or more reading it.

"It's hard for us in America to appreciate what an impact the Bible is having today in a country not that far away where many are actually holding God's written Word in their own hands and reading it for the first time."

Falkenberg said that Rim Mono, former president of Guatemala and a recognized evangelical, has been working closely with a Guatemalan mission whose goal is to distribute a New Testament to every man in Guatemala's army and Civil Patrol. According to Falkenberg, more than 100,000 Testaments have been distributed so far and the distribution has led to regular evangelical religious services on many army bases.


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