WCIU Offers Special Summer Courses
Several specialized courses will be offered July 20 August 14 (through the 28th for Muslim program) at the William Carey International University in Pasadena. Theses courses focus in on Ethnic Arts (Understanding the Role of the Arts in World Evangelization), Chinese Studies (Understanding Chinese World Evangelization), Muslim Studies ("Muslim Ministries Training Program"), TESL (Introduction to Teaching English as a Second Language), Literacy, and Beginning American and Comparative Sign Language. For more information write: WCIU Registrar, 1539 E. Howard, Pasadena, CA 91104.
Virgil Olson to Head WCIU
Dr. Vergil Olson has been named new president of William Carey International University. Dr. Olson will soon complete his responsibilities as Executive Director of the Board of World Missions of the Baptist General Conference, and is slated to begin at WCIU in September.
Dr. Olson has been Academic Dean at Bethel College in Rosevile, MN. Look for the complete story in an upcoming Mission Frontiers.
ACMC: Wheaton in August
August 6 9 are the dates set for the 1981 National Conference of the Association of Church Missions Committees. The theme is "The Local Church: Seedbed for Missions."
For more information, contact Rev. Ken Campbell, ACMC National Conference, 1620 S. Myrtle Ave., Monrovia, Ca 91016.
On May 6 7 in Dallas, TX, 17 students from 6 major U.S. seminaries met and formed a national body of theological students to promote the cause of frontier missions.
The purpose of "Theological Students for Frontier Missions" (TSFM) is to "mobilize graduate theological students to a lifetime commitment to the task of frontier missions for the glory of God." The group, growing out of a task force at the International Consultation on Frontier Missions at the Edinburgh meetings (see Mission Frontiers, Dec. 1980) adopted as their watchword, "A Church for Every People By the Year 2000."
Ward Shope (Gordon Conwell) was elected General Secretary; Buck Butler (Westminster), fulltime Traveling Secretary; and Jeffrey Fendley (Dallas), Corresponding Secretary.
An 8 member Student Cabinet of participants from other major seminaries was appointed to oversee staff, implement goals and standards, convene annual meetings, etc. E. Mike Jaffarian (Fuller) was elected President of the cabinet.At a later time, five Senior advisors (mission leaders) will be chosen to provide spiritual guidance and direction to the TSFM staff and cabinet.
Recognizing the leading role seminarians will have in the Church and the fact that only I to 2 percent of seminarians serve in any kind of missions overseas the eight TSFM objectives focus on fostering a new, vital, spiritual involvement in the cause of frontier missions by theological students and graduate theological institutions.
Membership in TSFM is open to any present or former student of a graduate theological seminary who consents to the purpose of TSFM.
For a full report of the TSFM convening meeting in Dallas, write the USCWM, or: Jeffrey Fendley. DTS, 3909 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, TX 75204.