More Agencies
India National Inland Mission (INIM), under the direction of Executive Secretary Rev. Cecil Jeffery, is moving its U.S. offices to the USCWM Pasadena campus, where over 40 other frontier focused agencies are based. Pounded and directed by Dr. Paul Pillai, 1MM has headquarters in New Delhi, India. 1MM is involved in direct outreach to the frontier provinces of North India, where it is estimated there are more unreached "hidden" people per square mile than anywhere else in the world. For further information, check box on the back of this magazine.
TODAYS MISSION magazine is also moving its offices into the Center. Headed by Gordon and Sherrie Aeschlimari, the new publication is a slick, "National Geographic" type magazine designed to stimulate new interest in frontier missions.
OPERATION MOBILIZATION'S (OM) European Summer Crusade included a special focus on the Turks and Afghans of Germany. Many of the Afghan refugees are young people who understand English and have been quite open to the Gospel. Christian young people from 25 countries were involved in the European outreach, including 400 from Great Britain, 350 from Germany, and 230 North Americans. Teams served in France, Spain, South Ireland, Austria,
Germany and Belgium. OM is an international movement of young people from over 35 countries involved in frontier evangelism, training and literature distribution with a priority focus on India and the Muslim world. The vast numbers of Christian youth involved with OM, short term or long term, make it one of the largest mission agencies in the world. Their Stateside address is Operation Mobilization, Box 148, Midland Park, NJ 07432.
Continuing Impact of Edinburgh '80
MUREE1S1 was the Pakistan follow up to last year's historic World Consultation on Frontier Missions. Held August 5 7 in northwestern Pakistan, over 50 national and foreign workers attended fron all over the country. Reports indicate a tremendous response. 392 people groups were identified in Pakistan which are without a witness for Jesus Christ, many of whom are at present quite open to the gospel. Another conference is planned next year to further develop prayer and planning towards reaching these hidden people groups.
Another Frontier Fellowship Church
The University Baptist Church of Fayetteville, Arkansas has had a Frontier Fellowship going on within its congregation for over a month now. Many church members are saving loose coins for mission work among Hidden Peoples and sharing this vision with their friends. The church Frontier Fellowship will meet together this month to combine their accumulated loose change, designating it for their chosen frontier mission project.
We inadvertantly omitted this growing group of Frontier Prayer Partners from our last issue's Frontier Fellowship map. But watch for an update on this missionminded church in a coming issue of Mission Frontiers
God's real people have always been called fanatics. C. T. Studd
A.E. Shares "Jesus" with South Africa Muslims
The new Africa Society for Frontier Missions, part of the African Enterprise Unreached Peoples Project, has been sharing the film "Jesus" with the 15,000 unreached Muslims of Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, recently. Response has been very positive, and many Muslims have come to the showings without any special invitation, and have requested more information. Dave Bliss, former USCWM staff member, and now African Society Coordinator said, "We are dedicated to inform an unaware South Africa of its part in the evangelization of the world's unreached peoples. We need to lift up our eyes to the 17,000 distinct unreached peoples including Muslims, Chinese and Hindu." The African Society is possibly the only indigenous mission society presently in South Africa, and is one of the few societies in Africa focused exclusively on the frontiers.