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News Update

News Update

THIS page is an experiment. You have never seen this feature in Christianity Today before. Nor are you likely to see it again many times unless it proves worthwhile. (I'll tell you in a minute just how we'll decide that.)

First, let me identify myself. I am the General Director of the U.S. Center for World Mission. I'm just an ordinary person who has had a series of special experiences. As a result I am now involved along with others in an ultra important project involving a high risk of failure. To be more precise, 90 people now work with me here in Pasadena, and 9,425 others across the country (and in some foreign countries) have helped us in one way or another and stand behind us in prayer. (Please note that we are not soliciting ongoing givers).

"You may have already heard snatches about this curious project in Pasadena."

What are we up to, and why would we take out a page in Christianity Today? Isn't that a little expensive? Those two questions are linked: This project will never be completed if CT readers are not constantly kept

informed. You are one of /80,000 who subscribe to CT Those of us who subscribe to CT are said to be the most influential group that size of committed Christians on am mailing list in the world today. Imagine then,' informing this important group by this method costs less than one cent per person per issue.

You may already have heard snatches about this curious project in Pasadena. Basically, we are a group of missionaries who have felt God calling us to make a bold attempt to change the course of human history, namely, to radically speed up the completion of the Great Commission. How are we doing? Our vision, when we got started two years ago, required three things for its fulfillment:

  1. We would have to win the confidence of the major mission agencies in the U.S.
  2. We would have to acquire a college campus close to a major international airport, in order to have space for research offices and a large, special student program. Note: This is not to compete with any Christian college.
  3. We would have to dramatically reeducate at least a million evangelicals to counter a widespread current misunderstanding of missions in our world today, or the new directions would never materialize.

In regard to the first point, now two years later, I believe we have substantially achieved the confidence of the major mission agencies. For the details you may write for Fact Sheet A: What Mission Agencies Have Done for the USCWM. Briefly, over 40 executives serve as our consultants, and the following agencies have helped us in significant ways (the latter four sending us key staff personnel): Wycliffe Bible Translators, Campus Crusade for Christ, World Vision, World Wide Evangelization Crusade, World Literature Crusade, Christian Nationals Evangelism Commission, Overseas Crusades, Overseas Missionary Fellowship, Regions Beyond Missionary Union and the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society.

Secondly, two years later, by a series of true miracles of our God, we are just barely owners, having paid $1.5 million toward the $8.5 million former campus (worth 2 to 3 times as much) of the Pasadena (Nazarene) College which has moved to San Diego. We narrowly edged out a Hindu cult that eagerly sought it. You can read the extraordinary story if you will ask for my wife's book Once More Around Jericho. Also you may ask for Fact Sheet B: How the USCWM Is Invading the Secular College Curriculum.

"Truth is stranger than fiction..."

How do we expect to pay off this campus? That leads to the third goal: (Here we must admit that we are only beginning to succeed.) Reaching a million people in America with new vision has gone painfully slowly, it seems, even though we're increasing by about 400 people per month at this point. All along we have been reluctant to pay large sums of money for publicity. A group of Christians in Portland financed the motion picture "Penetrating the Last Frontiers," and I was asked to appear in it at one point. This excellent, educational movie is now available. We have also produced two large posters which portray the unfinished task in a very striking way. However, up to now, far and away the most powerful communication of our vision comes through the reading of the book I mentioned above, Once More Around Jericho It really is exciting, full of suspense, proves that truth is stranger than fiction and holds people intently for several hours. We have no substitute for that.

These limited tools of outreach make us realize that by now we would not have anywhere near 10,000 people behind us if it were not for one fact; this whole project, and our concern for the people beyond all present mission frontiers, are turning out to be a highly contagious challenge. It is quite apparently something God has laid on many other hearts (yours?).

"We area group of missionaries who have felt God calling us to make a bold attempt to radically speed up the completion ? the Great Commission.

It is not like a fire of green wood we have had to keep relighting. Right now, every day from one to three dozen letters come in from all parts of the U.S. and the world, and we usually do not have the faintest idea how these people have heard about the challenge! Each letter usually brings $15.95 (Note: Our strict policy is I) we never ask for money from church mission budgets want churches to give their money to the regular mission agencies, and 2) we ask individuals only for a one time $15.95 gift toward our founding budget. You may wish to ask for Fact Sheet C: How We Hope to Avoid Perennial Fund Raising, Even in Our Founding Period.

But now I promised to explain how we'll decide if this space in Christianity Today is "worthwhile" or not, as it tells each time our unfolding story. The answer is in the response of people like yourself. If it appears that you and enough others want to follow this project, and are interested enough to write in for some of the things we talk about, we'll continue. Next time I will tell you about some exciting developments. As this goes to press they are only hours away from us. So, write me a quick note. Ask for something I've mentioned. Also ask for our new monthly bulletin, MISSION FRONTIERS. Mention CT so we'll know.


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