This is an article from the January-February 1993 issue: Adopt-A-People

Mission Frontiers Vision Network

Update-Moving Forward!

Mission Frontiers Vision Network

We are thankful to the Lord that we now have over 200 Networkers, most of whom are Area Coordinators. We also have 20 International Area Coordinators. In order to effectively accomplish our goals, we need both Area Coordinators and Local Networkers. Our chart shows not only how many Coordinators we have but how many more we need in each state. In addition, we need 3-5 Local Networkers to help each Coordinator.By getting these Area Coordinators in place, we should be able to reach the Local Networkers sooner. As you can see in the chart, we still need approximately 225 more Area Coordinators (who will take at least one three digit zip block).

Moving Forward!

This means we now have nearly one half of the Area Coordinators that we need. But we would like to move forward to update all of the mailing list as soon as possible. Each person contacted is offered resource information to share with their church and with other churches in their area, which will speed up the spreading of the vision for unreached peoples throughout the world. We also want to see prayer groups started in each area as soon as possible.

Comparisons with out last chart will be difficult because while we had sought to use Area Coordinators, we hadn't changed our chart to reflect that. An Area Coordinator is coordinating at least three to five Local Networkers.

We can praise the Lord for putting it on so many hearts to be a part of this mobilization effort. We want to express our appreciation to all involved for everything that you are doing. It is not always easy to do the calling, and/or send letters, but we thank you for your patience and endurance. May the Lord reward you.

The next step--as the local Networkers gather interested people in their area--is to begin having the Mobilization Task Forces meet for prayer, mutual support and mobilization.

Most of the people who have not been contacted are in larger cities. In the next issue, we plan to list particular cities in each state where we still need more coordinators. Though we now have a coordinator in all but one State (which is Rhode Island, and it would only take one for the whole state!), many of these large cities are not even touched. We have a new coordinator in New York City and Portland, as well as two new ones in Atlanta. Praise the Lord!

Are you willing to be a part of this ministry that is helping to mobilize the churches in America to adopt the remaining unreached peoples? It is happening! Churches are adopting unreached peoples! If you have been reading Mission Frontiers magazine, you already know that. But I also know it is true because my very own church in Hemet, CA is about to adopt an unreached people group and it is an exciting process. If you are from a large city and helped do the mobilizing with others, you could be instrumental not only in your church, but many churches adopting an unreached people.

A chorus we sang in church this morning has been coming back to me all day. It says, "Freely, freely you have received, freely, freely give!" We have received so much from the Lord. Something happens to us when we are spending time in His presence and getting to know Him better. Somehow our whole outlook on life changes, Our desires, our values and goals all seem to change. Instead of being centered in ourselves we find that we really only want to do that which will please and glorify the Lord. Our true joy seems to come from bringing joy to Him and what greater joy could we give Him than to do that which will guarantee that every unreached people on the earth will be able to hear the gospel and have a church planted in their midst?

Yes, we have FREELY received ALL of our blessings from the LORD but have we freely given of our time, energy, our means and our lives so that others too might be FREELY blessed? We trust you will want to be a part of this ministry which by its mobilization efforts will help see unreached peoples reached with the gospel. If so, please contact us at the address below and we will be happy to send you need to begin to do YOUR part to see that the Great Commission is fulfilled!

*Area Coordinators are those who take a more than one Zip code block, but they do NOT do all the work. Their task is two fold: to do the calling in their immediate area, and to find others, on the Mission Frontiers list, who will call still other areas nearby. While we need Area Coordinators and other Local Networkers, there also may be some who wish to lead a prayer group or a mobilization task force. Others may want to have a part by contributing to the cost of Mission Frontiers, …or a combination of these and other ministries. We are planning to outline various roles in the next issues of Mission Frontiers.

An Update from Ralph Winter

Last time on these two "Vision Network" pages I presented the financial burden of this bulletin being sent out. In this issue you will find an even more detailed description on page five--I don't need to cover that dimension here again. The $136.50 mentioned there, covering 70 families for six issues (420 copies total) still works out to $22.75 per issue, and to 32.5¢ per copy (even with the additional cost of the white pages). For each group of 70, the $136. 50, as a once-a-year gift, or collection of gifts, would be a marvelous blessing to us, because it would begin to break down the growth barrier we now have, and allow us to sprint for the "million persons" who need to be claimed for the vision of the Unreached Peoples! But, as I said, there are many other reasons for groups of 70 to get together by phone or face to face, to work for the mobilization of the local churches of this country. You will meet like-minded people!

Arlien Spring— Mission Frontiers Vision Network
P O Box 340
Winchester, CA 92596
Phone (714) 926-3618


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