This is an article from the November-December 1989 issue: A Christmas Offering



Serious MF Errata

It is with alarm that I read “Impact and Action!” in the October MF which states, “Bob Klamser shocked the group by reporting that nearly 4,000 missionaries were kidnapped last year, up 2,000 from previous yearly averages.” This is completely inaccurate and is not at all what I said.

The actual numbers presented and displayed on overhead projection listed 4,217 total acts of terrorism in 1987, up from 2,679 in 1984. A total of 23 missionary hostage events since 1976 were discussed. 1987 was the year of highest missionary hostage activity, with 10 missionaies captured that year.

These inaccuracies are a cause for concern. First, they are so obviously incorrect that they will damage the credibility and effectiveness of Contingency Preparation Consultants as it tries to carry on its unique ministry [to the mission industry]. Second, these figures may cause needless alarm and stress among missionaries and mission organizations, perhaps even to the point of causing potential missionaries to decide against this service.

I have the greatest respect for the Center’s work and see the possibility of shared efforts in the future.

Robert Klamser
President, Contingency Preparation Consultants,
Ventura CA

Stirrings from Manila Prophecy

NOTE: The brunt of “Readers Write” letters received in response to recent issues discussed the article “Prophecy at Manila”—the text of a prophecy presented at Lausanne II. The prophecy article prompted letters such as these samples:

The subtitle “A Prophecy at Manila” on the cover of the September MF surprised me. I first noticed it as I was about to walk out the door. So I sat down to read this “prophecy” before leaving. I immediately fell under conviction.... From the first month of my conversion, I had strongly sensed the calling of God to the “nations” to preach the gospel to those who had not heard....

But being married and having a young child, I was gripped by financial insecurity. No excuse. When it comes down to it, I trusted in my own ability to provide for my family rather than the Lord. I rationalized, but I did not follow God's priority.

Have I prospered? No. Rather, it seems that I became a “Jonah” to every ship I boarded.

The prophetic word which you have shared is true, and unfortunately I am its bad example.... The process of repentance has been difficult....

The promise of provision was given by Jesus to those who would seek the interests of His kingdom... to put aside their own business interests and give priority to His purposes in a world mission advance....

Ralph Oliver
Rancho Cucamonga CA 9l723

Uncritically accepting the “Blood on your hands” prophecy would be a mistake. Reaching unreached people groups should be a great goal but we're still told to “test the spirits” (I Jn. 4:l NASB).

Are we to believe that millions go to hell because of misplaced Christian priorities? The Bible tells us “whom He predestinated, these He also called: and whom He called, these He also justified...” (Rom. 8:30). Clearly, God never loses the ones that He chooses. No one drops through the cracks into hell while a frustrated, anxious, anemic “God” stands by, helplessly “wringing His hands.”

Consider Ps. 65:4; Prov. l6:4; John 6:44, l7:2; Acts l3:48; Rom. 9:l8-22, ll:5-l0,25; Eph. l:4-5,7,ll; Col. 3:l2; 2 Thess. 2:l3-l4; 2 Tim. l:9; James l:l8 and Rev. l3:8.

We need to ask: Is the l974 covenant made in Lausanne binding upon the entire church? Are elegant new church buildings truly “tombs” in God's sight? Are those who prioritize discipleqmaking of “all the ethne” really guaranteed God's blessings on their lives, finances, and health, etc., and those who don’t guaranteed the reverse? Is God getting ready to plunge self-indulgent Christians “into severe financial distress”? Are we disobeying God by not spending “hours daily in earnest, militant, fervent prayer for all peoples”? Let us test the prophets.

Wally Tope
La Canada Flintridge CA

I feel this is the most significant thing I have read in MF ever. The message’s impact on me has been very real. The Lord has been speaking to me very directly about simplifying our lifestyle.

The message concerning not just convenient simplicity but true priority sacrifice of time, prayer and resources speaks to me in harmony with God’s own convicting voice in private and in the Word.

Jane Gorevin
Medford OR

Regarding “Prophecy at Manila”—Was this something the Lord spoke to the author as prophecy or rather just a strong conviction? I do strongly agree with the concept put forth and I myself feel convicted about adopting a simple lifestyle.

Even though we live in a very poor neighborhood and are living with two other families to cut down on costs so all three families can share Jesus overseas, I am still prey to the materialistic mindset of America. It is indeed a battle. And we will prayerfully heed the word you gave forth on lifestyle and prayer.

My only caution is that as you hear the word of the Lord you are careful to hear His words and not add your own emphasis.

Lori Brehm
West Chester PA

We, here, commend you for the obedience and courage in Jesus’ name. Thank God and bless you!

Permit me to suggest that while that word was and is definitely from God’s own heart, it is nevertheless also a “mixture” (1 Cor. 13:12). There is obviously some of Phil Bogosian’s own frustration and personal theology in this vital word.

Thanks again for your obedience. There will be much fruit from it.

Hans Schnabel
Portland OR

That was an extremely heavy prophetic word. I don’t know what kind of stir it caused in Manila or out there, but I’m convinced it’s valid. I’ve made copies and am giving it to those with humble hearts and discerning spirits, starting with [a friend] who was amazed that MF would reproduce a prohecy.

Perhaps the kind of surrender, commitment, obedience and spiritual intensity as well as sacrifice the Lord is requiring (and always has) is going to empty a lot of pews. So many of us still have so many worldly affinities. And the Lord is saying, “Enough.”

Jon Smith
Lafayette IN

I join with you in the pain of seeing lost souls. May our Lord annoint His people with new power, new understanding, new fullness to answer the deep soul hurts of this age.

Richard Held
Science Hill KY

I felt I needed to reply to this blanket condemnation of Christians everywhere.... I am for missions. I believe in the Great Commission. I believe churches need to re-examine their commitment to carrying [it out]. But whether the task is finished by 2000 or 20,000, it will be finished..., and the only blood on anyone will be the Blood of the Lamb.

Your prophecy is biblically unsound, my brother in Christ, and I pray the Lord rebuke it.

Carl Smith
Post Falls ID

I pastor a non-denominational church. Thank you for writing this down; I really sensed the heart of God in it. ...To make a long story short, in the last week God has really been dealing with me about the “blood of others on my hands” and then I read your article! I was not at Lausanne II, but the prophecy definitely spoke to my heart and at any cost I desire for my family and me to be in the center of God”s will once again, full of His love and compassion for a lost and dying world.

Greg Violi
Salem OH

For the record, I would like to make a statement related to the article entitled “A Prophecy” by Phil Bogosian. I do not believe Mission Frontiers was sufficiently clear that many of us here collaborating with the USCWM do not see brother Bogosian’s burden as a supernatural prophecy but more as a burden the Lord has laid on his heart. While not necessarily denying the validity of God speaking directly through one of His servants to the church, I do not in this case believe this “prophecy” should be endorsed as more than a very good sermon which demonstrates the passion and concern of a very dedicated missionary. The references to God speaking in the first person are his understanding, not our community in general.

With all that said, we think there is much in the message on which we all could afford to prayerfully reflect.

Greg Livingstone

I read with excitement the prophetic word at Manila. Truly the Lord continues speaking today through His faithful prophets, for your words ring true in my spirit. As a pastor, I join with you in the pain of seeing lost souls. May the Lord annoint His people with new power, new understanding, new fullness to answer the deep soul hurts of this age.

Richard Held
Science Hill KY

I have received MF for a number of years. I heartily agree with its concepts and plans for outreach. I have always lived a simple lifestyle, have given to mission since my teens, have prayed for missionaries every day and am in charge of the mission programs in my church. But when I read the prophecy, I felt as if I had been hit by a bolt of lightning!

Marie Lind
Turner OR

Cuts & Kudos for MF
You may remove me from your mailing list. You have such a boringqlooking paper that I don’t even bother reading it. Sorry! I know you are trying to keep costs down, but in some things it just doesn’t pay.
Name Withheld
Phoenix AZ

(Our apologies for the inexpensive formatting of MF; but, yes, we do keep costs down to share the vision with as many as possible! —Ed.)

Thank you for Mission Frontiers which I have received for several years. I was once able to help a little financially but now cannot. I am 100 years and three months old in a Mennonite Home. I try to get others interested in your magazine. I wish I could send more money to help. [$2 enclosed.] Be assured you are on my mission prayer list.

Bernice Kihs
Jefferson OR


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