African American Mobilization
I am overwhelmed with the latest issue of Mission Frontiers. I am with Operation Mobilization in San Diego. My wife and I have felt for years that mobilizing the African American community was our calling. We have been taking African Americans on short-term mission trips to South Africa.
I would like to partner with your efforts. We have a long road ahead, but we do believe that there is an awakening. It has already started here in San Diego.
Dan and Kristen Gillespie
OM San Diego, CA
A very enlightening write-up on the African American in World Missions! My wife and I are African-American missionaries. We served with new Tribes Mission in Brazil for 25 years. We are Southeast Regional Representatives for New Tribes Mission. Our main burden and focus is the African-American church. It is difficult because we have been out of the African-American culture for so many years that sometimes we feel like foreigners in our own culture. Pray for us!
Ted & Jean Wright
Columbia, SC
State of World Evangelization
Looked EVERYWHERE for status of the world missionsI think I can say that your wonderful site is IT!
Steve Wood
The pages of "State of World Evangelism" are excellent for mission conferences or speaking about missions. Thank you for providing all this information in one place that is easy to find and use.
M. Peterson
Lutz, FL
Mobilizing in South Africa
I am a member of the AD2000 Missions Mobilizing Network of South Africa. I have been trying to mobilize the churches in South Africa for missions since 1995 and started receiving MF in 1999. I find the articles excellent and have translated bits and pieces into Afrikaans (spoken only in South Africa) for inclusion in my articles that I distribute by e-mail with appropriate source credit. However, this latest article by Larry Reesor, "A Fresh Perspective on Mobilizing the Church" in the January 2000 issue, needs to be distributed to ALL the churches in South Africa, and I have the e-mail addresses of about 248 churches and/or pastors across the full spectrum of denominations. I will give you credit and encourage them to subscribe to your magazine.
Naomi Vivier
Pretoria, South Africa
God's Time for Hispanic Youth
We are a Mexican couple working with YWAM, and we read your article about the Hispanic youth revival ["El Tiempo" April 2000]. We were blessed because we believe with all our hearts that God is raising a new and powerful Hispanic youth generation to go to all the nations and preach the Good News. We encourage you to keep publishing those kinds of articles and to keep encouraging the Hispanic people. We need to believe that this is our time, and we need to step out in faith!
Miguel & Paula Carpizo
Nashville, TN
Thank you so much for the great magazine. I am addicted to Mission Frontiers! From now on, we will use your website because it will be more accessible to us. Blessings on your staff. Greet Lorena Wood for me. When she came to my college, her determination and spunk in the face of all she was dealing with, [Lorena has cystic fibrosis, a genetic lung disease.Ed.] spoke more about the character required of a missionary than anything she could have said. I am facing the challenge of living in a mountainous area of the world, and I have asthma.
How Many Unreached Peoples?
Thanks for a great magazine. It's such an encouragement and inspiration to me. Can you tell me what is the most current number that you have for the known unreached people groups still left?
Tina Lockey,
St. Louis, MO
We believe there are about 10,000 unreached people groups left. For a detailed explanation of this see "Finishing the Task" in this issue.
Church Planting Movements Booklet
I am mentoring a group of church planters, and your articles on church planting movements came just at the right time. I wish to order the "Church Planting Movement" booklets mentioned on page 34 of the April edition. Unfortunately you only gave a phone number. It is easier for me to communicate with them by e-mail. Do you have an e-mail address to contact the distributors of this booklet?
Pieter Kriel
South Africa
We found a number of ways that may be helpful to you. Besides the phone number: 1-800-866-3621, you can also use e-mail to order the printed booklets directly from the International Mission Board at [email protected], or you can order printed copies on their site at: http://www.imb.org/resources/ Also,. you can print your own in color from PDF format. Download it from:
http://www.imb.org/globalvision/cpm.pdf You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read it.
Finally, you need to know that the International Mission Board has changed its policy regarding the cost of the booklets since our April edition. Copies can now be obtained for $1.00 each plus shipping.
I have enjoyed Mission Frontiers for years and would like very much to continue receiving your publication. I am a pastor and would also like our church to receive a subscription to Mission Frontiers. Would it be possible to receive ten copies, one for each member of the Missions Council?
Pastor Ron Willis
Family Bible Church
Oak Harbor, WA
In "El Tiempo" (April 2000, p. 49) we misstated what the acronym COMIBAM stands for. The correct versions:
COMIBAM: Cooperación Misionera de Iberoamérica (Missionary Cooperation of Ibero-America).
COMHINA: Cooperación Misionera de Hispanos de Norteamérica (Missionary Cooperation of Hispanics in North America).
We welcome your letters to the editor. E-mail: [email protected]
We reserve the right to edit for clarity and brevity.