This is an article from the April 1981 issue: Who Really Killed Chet Bitterman?



I read your letter of February 20 a couple of days ago and some thoughts have been "kicking around" ever since.

First, I don't believe the loose change idea is going to be taken up by many folks. It's too much work and inconvenience. It's something you have to do every day. Also, it will leave you without change every day which can be a problem.

Of course I might be wrong, but this is my initial reaction (this is a case where I would be happy to be wrong.)

Love in Christ,

-C. W. Indiana

[You've hit the nail. on the head! The "Loose Change Fellowship" idea is an inconvenient, bothersome, daily disturbance to our routine. And it is that by design. Perhaps that way, we will remember to pray daily for the hidden peoples. "Nothing that does not occur daily will ever dominate your life. . ." (Dr. Ralph D. Winter) Ed.]

May God richly bless your faith and work in accomplishing His will for the U. S. Center for World Mission. I am convinced that you are the vehicle our Lord will use in reaching the Hidden People and accomplishing the goal of the Gospel of Jesus Christ being preached to the entire world.

I pray for eager churches and students and mission boards to share your vision of reaching the unreached.

May God who answers prayers in bigger and better ways then ever imaginable have all the glory of your success that He may share it with His child ren. Ephesians 3:20 21...

In Christ,

-G. S. Rockford, Illinois

Have read the "book" (Once More Around Jericho it was amazing how God worked! Do trust there will be a sequel!

We attended the Missionary Church in Van Nuys when Dr. Ben Jennings was pastor. So have been receiving literature from him. But the "book" inspired us to send in our $15.95.

The Lord bless you.

-C.K. Vashon, Washington

[Ben Jennings now heads International Missionary Advance here at the Center Ed.]

I was indeed wondering if there were any other World Christians in Bellingham and I most certainly would be interested in initiating a group! I have only known about the Hidden Peoples for about eight months and I am growing in vision all the time. Americans (including me) are a very narcissistic people and are extremely difficult to motivate beyond Western thinking and materialism. I am having a really hard time getting my fellow church members to see themselves as World Christians! I meet with a lot of resistance to look beyond one's own selfand problems so I am desperate to find a way to touch people's hearts to look beyond their own needs and see the world as God sees it.

Our pastor. . . is beginning to become a world visionary and at least he does recognize that the Unreached Peoples are primary on God's heart and intends [our church] to be instrumental in changing the world.

What are your staff needs at USCWM?

I understand there is a Hidden People group not far from us. The Chinese in Vancouver, BC, are listed in Unreached Peoples '79 by MARC. They are only 60 miles away from us and it seems a shame not to be able to do something when they are that close.


-B. B. Bellingham, Washington

[If you have any kinds of questions relating to the hidden peoples, and opportunities for ministry, write to your state/province coordinator here at the Center for answers. Also, if you, like this Founder, would like to have an occasional get together with other Founders in your area, even to form a Frontier Fellowship, please let us know!  Ed.]


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