This is an article from the May 1986 issue: A Bold New Step



Dear Friends:

Last Thursday, I was privileged to attend a work session on your campus. I helped in the China and Taiwan Department, and was happy to learn of the wonderful work you are doing.

I was with others from the Galilean Sunday School class of First Baptist Church of Reseda.. This is my first time to attend this work shop" and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. I will look forward to coming again.

Maijory Torres
Reseda, CA

Dear Friend,

God is still making it possible for me to contribute 10-14 monthly causes each month, Praise His name!

I am so glad your were able April payment I will pray that you are able to make the July payment.

I was 80 years old December 28th and my husband will be 80 third August. If we ever get to California I want to visit the Center. God tells us to ask and we will receive. I believe God will provide the money for the Center.

Ann Reynolds
Moline, III

Dear Friends:

I am praying for you and believing God for the victory in your campus debt. Stand firm brethren, you serve a great God who is for you and will be able to deliver you. May He continue to uphold you and use you for His glory.

John S. F
Beverly, MA

Dear Brethren: ace and peace to you. Thanks for your or fine publication Mission Frontiers. I like the new format.

Thanks mostly for the contributions to love and good works. I praise God for that! am mostly free of debt, except the debt of love. In that spirit I enclose the second half of my participation in the 2/3rd plan.

West Lafayette, IN

To whom it may concern:

I have thoroughly enjoyed the materials you promptly sent. I read in The Gap in one week and have been asking, begging and nearly stealing everything I could find on world missions, etc., from missionary friends.I first learned about the Center from the Mission Frontiers bulletin.

Glenn Moyer
Bogota, Columbia

Dear Friends in Christ:

About six years ago I was roaming through a book section of a Chicago thrist shop and picked up Once Around Jericho! Since then it has been on the shelf ...unread, 'til last week.

In the meantime, I had heard about

your organization from the Global Prayer Digest which I got through a Chicago Church. Now I understand that the USCWM and Global Prayer Digest are related ministries. Hem are my first "Hidden Peoples Dollars" for the folks of the Talaud Islands.

Andrew Kaleniyik
Chicago Illinois

Dear Co Workers:

Enclosed laid a check for $18. My roomate and I collected $13 in loose change that we keep on the kitchen table. I decided at a college world missions conference that I would give up the coffee I buy on my way to work and put that money in for Hidden Peoples; that amounts to $2.50 a week.

Also my roomato and several singles in our neighborhood have begun a once. a month dinner group with the purpose of fellowship and prayer for the world. Would you please give us the name of a specific people group?

Kim Vandergriff
Birmingham, Alabama

Dear U.S. Center staff:

In 1978 or '79, as a result of a 'coincidental" news story I 'happened" to read, my wife and I first invested in the Center. trusting God to help meet the various deadlines for your financial commitments. Over the last years we have seen God meet those deadlines for His own glory.

I see you are approaching another "faith crunch" time. Therefore. I would like to invest again in the Center on behalf of my 5 children. I will be telling them about the Center, its vision for the Unreached Peoples, and the impact this investment will have for eternity. My children are ages II years to 6 months.

We most that this amount will be part of God's movement to evangelize the world with the gospel for His own glory.

Al Durham
Highland. CA


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