This is an article from the July 1982 issue: We Want to Rejoice!



Recycling for Missions!


Our struggling little congregation continues to collect aluminum for recycling and sends the proceeds to the U. S. Center for World Mission.

We have our own denominational benevolent projects and responsibilities, but we are interested and concerned for the work the U. S. Center is doing.

I am retired and part time pastor for our congregation.

May God bless you!


-(Rev.) Donald K. McGarrah Pittsburgh, PA

Prayer Book a Challenge!


God bless you for the wonderful work you are doing in His strength and for His glory.

Your May devotional prayer book presents a great challenge. This should greatly extend your vision of reaching the untold millions and stimulate a volume of prayer behind this burden.

The enclosed is to be used where needed most.

Sincerely and prayerfully.

-Margaret Hart Whittier, CA


As I am an invalid I do not go shopping and seldom have any loose change. In lieu of loose change I am sending my check.

I pray that the World Mission Center may be in time completely paid for. I think it is great and you are doing a great work. I appreciate the great burden the Winters are carrying for this cause.

-Janet B. White an ex missionary in India and Pakistan for 49 years


After reading the book Once More Around Jericho I wanted to be included in that group that has contributed to your organization.

Enclosed you will find a check for $159.50. I realize this is 10 times the requested amount, but I feel it is what I can give freely to the Lord. Reading the book has also encouraged me to consider involvement in Christian work of some kind. Please keep striving toward your goal of reaching the "Hidden People" as you and I know that you are doing the Lord's work that is absolutely necessary and needed.

In Christ,

-Bryan Wagler Pekin, IL


Our May Frontier Fellowship meeting was a dynamic service! But more than that, it is awesome what God is doing in our church among the young people. Sunday School teachers for the 2 3 year olds have a "loose change" jar. They are learning to give their coins to help the "hidden people" not only in their Sunday School classes, but in their homes. Eventually we hope to inspire the other Sunday School classes to have their jars.

Several children have their personal jars at home. One little 7 year old was quite upset when his father asked him if he could borrow some money from the boy's jar. He said, "Dad, but that money is for the hidden people!!" His dad had to reassure him that the money would be returned.

Teenagers in the youth group have testified before the congregation that they have been blessed by using the Prayer Guide in their devotions, and have exhorted the rest of the body to obtain their personal copies.

My women's prayer group (committed to pray for world needs) use the Prayer Guide. Today we prayed for the 20,000 Rendille people who do not know Jesus.

So, you can see that the concept of hidden peoples has touched hearts of not only our adults but our youth as well.

In the battle with you!

-Fran Love Oxnard, CA


Enclosed is a check for my May offering. Thank you for continuing to send Mission Frontiers and the Daily Prayer Guide, and I hope soon that I'll be able to share them with other believers in my fellowship. Thank you, too, for personalizing each letter sent to me with prayer needs and thanksgivings! They are much appreciated and prayed over.

Also, if you could forward this note to the Personnel Dept., I would like more info concerning working opportunities (paid or unpaid  for we're always paid abundantly by God) at the Center.

Love in Christ,

-Diane Turner Germantown, NY


Please use this toward reducing the deficit for the property. We want to see the U. S. Center succeed. Unless Christians are in "mission," we are kidding ourselves. A cooperative effort makes sense to us.

-Henry Hoftiezer Rothschild, WI


This is a pledge I made of all the pennies and nickels from tips on my waiter job, to be used toward the campus payment. Savings continuing till the jar gets full again.

-John Hoist Arlington, VA


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