This is an article from the January-February 1982 issue: What Does God Consider to be the Most Significant Stories of this Generation?

Institute of International Studies

I went to Urbana, and got good and confused but very motivated and inspired about missions! Where do I go now?

The Institute of International Studies (IIS) course is designed for the person who:

  1. feels responsible to learn about the world mission of the church before making major career decisions,
  2. is interested in missions but doesn't know what his part is,
  3. feels a definite call to overseas ministry, but needs to learn what is involved in cross cultural communication and lacks guidance as to where to go and how to get there.

Simply, IIS is taking time to focus on God's deepest concerns. This course of study on the Pasadena campus of the William Carey International University can be taken over a semester or during a 4 5 week intensive period in January, early summer, or the fall or spring. In addition, IIS extention courses will soon be offered as electives at state colleges and university campuses across the nation.

The program is designed to provide a world perspective on Christian discipleship. This credit¬bearing course enables undergraduate and graduate students to evaluate their studies and career options within the context of God's global cause. IIS approaches the task of world evangelization from four perspectives: Biblical, Historical, Cultural and Strategic.

The intensive course is designed to answer questions such as: What does the Bible say about missions? Isn't the day of the missionary over? and What still needs to be done in missions (and how do I fit in)?

Many Christians think the missionary task is already finished. Yet 5 out of 6 of the world's non-Christians have yet to have a Christian church in their own culture. They are separated by language, prejudice, cultural obstacles, or social barriers from those communities where there is a church. These are the world's Hidden Peoples. Only new keys will unlock these 2 billion hidden hearts. IIS explores some of these keys and the roles students can have in making effective use of them.Few college courses offer this kind of overview of global needs, problems, and i proposed solutions which the student needs in order to plan his own future with the full range of possibilities in mind. It is expected that a world perspective will enable many students to discover the contribution they can make to developing countries, whether or not they actually go overseas.

Professors have included Ralph Winter, Don Richardson, Don McCurry, David 'Howard, J. Christy Wilson, J.R. McQuilkin, Donald McGavran, Larry Poland, Harvey Conn and many others.

The new reader, Perspectives on the Wor!d Christian Movement, is a comprehensive compilation of 87 articles written by 70 of the nation's outstanding missions spokesmen addressing nearly every aspect of today's missionary movement See back page for more information about this revolutionary new resource.

Upcoming Courses

  1. Spring Evening Course (Tuesday evenings): February 2 May 25.
  2. Spring Intensive Course: March 29   April 30.
  3. Summer Course: June 14 July 16.

Career Foundations Program

The mission agency your friend applied to turned them down because he didn't have enough Bible courses?

Feel unprepared in your Sunday School class and Church because you don't have adequate understanding of the Bible?

For those and many other reasons, the USCWM, in conjunction with Columbia Bible College and Graduate School (through their Biblical Education by Extension Department) is offering a fully accredited, year long Career Foundations Program, or Year of Bible.

This one year Biblical Studies program is designed to provide a practical bridge between a secular education and fruitful

Christian service as either laymen or fulltime Christian workers. The Center recognizes the tremendous resources for world evangelization available through the 90 per cent of evangelical students who attend secular colleges and universities.

The program is designed to meet the basic requirements of many evangelical mission agencies for a year of Bibleintensive training, while also establishing the basis for further graduate¬level study leading to the Master of Arts or Master of Divinity degree.

The courses are taught by a core of seasoned missionaries and other missionminded Christian leaders from the staff of the Ll.S. Center and its cooperating organizations. The Career Foundations Program also draws upon the many crosscultural training resources available within a short distance of the campus in Pasadena.

Columbia Bible College and Graduate

School is one of the nation's leading Bible and missionary training centers. Over the years, it has consistently produced the highest caliber missionaries, pastors, and other Christian leaders in both lay and vocational ministry roles.

Students who satisfactorily complete the training will receive the (IS. Center for World Mission Career Foundation certificate. Those who desire to continue graduate training may receive a transcript of their credits to be applied toward further training at Columbia Graduate School of Bible and Missions or at another graduatelevel training institution.

Although the program is primarily designed for college graduates, a limited number of students may take the courses for undergraduate credit. In addition, special students, who desire to take up to five courses may be admitted without regular student classification.


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