This is an article from the May-June 2004 issue: Nurturing a Devotee of Jesus Within India’s Castes

India: It’s Closer Than You Think

India: It’s Closer Than You Think

For Christians, India holds both fascination and strategic importance. For kids, India provides an incredible resource and a solid framework for learning about missions.How do we connect the children in our Chris-tian school, home or church to India? The secu-lar world is helpful with its emphasis on ethnic diversity in public school education. Features and news stories in the media often point to India.Resources abound: print, videos/CDs, curricula and even people with first-hand experience in India.Look around you for natural ties to what is already happening in your children’s lives and “add India,”much as you might put curry powder in your favorite chicken casserole.

Or make it the main dish. In the classroom consider “interest centers” with creative and interactive activities. Contests (how about the elephants vs. the tigers?), poster-making, dramatic monologues, skits, and games all lend themselves to getting a little wild and wacky — the way kids love it. Invite people to share first-hand experiences.Certainly, tap into the ongoing programs of your church or school.Consider a trip to a local Indian restaurant or cultural center. Don’t forget the wonderful books now being written for kids that feature missionaries, some of them from India.

On a larger scale, partner the missions com-mittee with the children’s department and plan an intergenerational evening adventure to India.Or consider a Saturday missions festival for kids with the focus on India and Hinduism.These take teamwork and advance planning, but they are worth the time and effort. Finally, take your kids to India on their knees. Give them opportunities to intercede for the many people groups still without a flourishing witness. Encourage them to thank God for missionary pioneers and pray for present servants of Jesus who faithfully go and share the gospel.For more ideas and a list of resources, email Nancy at [email protected]. Please include a “snail mail” (postal) address and a bit about your present ministry with children.

Learning About Good Resources

Gerry Dueck

A new “Rajput Kids” (Hindu) video in the “Kids Around the World” video series is now available. As with all the others,it comes with a free curriculum guide. Videos are 8-12 minutes long and are $19 each plus S&H. Order from Caleb Project, 10W. Dry Creek Circle, Littleton, CO 80120 USA. Or call (303) 730-4182, e-mail [email protected], or Three wonderful resources by the Christian & Missionary Alliance are available from Caleb Proj-ect:Building Great Commission Kids ($14),Missions Prayer Tools For Children: A To Z ($9), and How To Conduct A Successful Kids’ Missions Festival A To Z ($9). Order from Caleb Project (see address above).* There’s now a reduced price for Adopt-A-People For Kids, the curriculum and student manual by Gerry Dueck and Dale Burley.This contains 10 flexible lessons with activities, songs, certificates,a Missions Museum page, a resource page, and a reproducible student manual with more activities.Price: $5.97 plus $2.50 shipping for one, when you order from the Mission Resource Center at the address below. For our newsletter or brochures, contact:

Mission Resource Center, 1605 Elizabeth Street, Pasadena CA 91104 USA, phone 626-398-2233,


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