Frontier Fellowship News
Evangelical Free Church Pilot
Robert Dillon, Executive Secretary of the Evangelical Free Church of America Board of Overseas Mission, has suggested that there be an Evangelical Free Church edition of the daily prayer guide developed. Churches within the denomination would use the guide in a pilot Frontier Fellowship project.
Mission leader encouraged by new prayer guide
"I just finished going over the Daily Prayer Guide and am ecstatic! This will advance world evangelization tremendouslyl I hope it is read and used far and wide. Deep thanks for this exciting new tool." Dr. C. Peter Wagner, Professor, Fuller School of World Mission.
AIM SETS GOAL OF 3,000. Ed Schuit, Assistant Home Director of Africa Inland Mission reported that AIM has decided to adopt as afortnal goal the cultivation of 3,000 supporters involved in the Frontier Fellowship's daily discipline of praying and saving for the Hidden Peoples. AIM is responsible for over 20,000 churches planted in East Africa, is a founding member of the IFMA (Interdenominational Foreign Mission Association), and sent the largest delegation present at the World Consultation on Frontier Missions in Edinburgh, Scotland. See letter below for more information.