This is an article from the April-June 1985 issue: ACMC: This Year’s National Conference

From the Director

From the Director

I've just made a decision. A moment ago!

And I'm starting this page all over again.

From now on I am going to tell you things • that have only 'half' happened, and NOT wait until they have come to a logical stopping I point.

LAST EVENING, for example. Six men sat around a table in Dr. McGavran's library (on our campus) and talked from 7 to 10 PM about the Mission 2000 plan.

I was the least of those present. Four quite separate, very influencial mission organizations were unofficially represented. Unbelievable potential if they decide to work together.

At the end of the meeting we stopped and phoned a man in Seattle who is praying about heading up the Mission 2000 campaign. He'll fly down next Monday night for a continuation of this conversation. Also to join us Monday: an eminent pastor, related closely to a very, very influencial world evangelization network. (Since this whole vision could all blow up pray that it won't I feel I should not just now tell. you who these men are.)

I myself wish I knew what will happen NEXT Monday night, All I can say is "stay tuned." Sorry. But notice I'm not "waiting until a good stopping point" to tell you what is happening! And, precisely due to this new policy we are are going to press monthly no matter what.

OK, SOMETHING ELSE. The man at the head of the table last night (Dr. McGavran) is 87 years old, 27 years OLDER than I am.

John Bennett, on the front cover, is 27 years YOUNGER than I am. In fact, about 90% of our staff is even younger. In a recent issue our cover displayed two other younger leaders, Gordon Aeschliman and Greg Fritz, who are heading up exciting new organizations, WORLD CHRISTIAN MAGAZINE, and CALEB PROJECT, respectively.

CLEARLY IT TAKES ALL AGES. On a plane the other day I read in TIME that 19 states have made it illegal to force retirement at 70. This will save the lives of thousands of people whose worlds are shattered at retirement.

Last night we 55 to 60 year olds needed an 87 year old. And we had him when we needed him! Meanwhile we ourselves are joined in the cause these days by many superb younger leaders. Note the four highlighted in this issue.


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