From the Director
Dear Friends:
I confess I have always been an activist. My scholarly career may at times have disguised the "zeal to make things happen." I started out an engineer. In a way, I still am. Some people who type me as an academician do not realize how many times I have laid down the books to lend a hand to forward some concrete project. Better stated: how often I have taken the books in order to puzzle out a new answer to an old problem.
My wife wrote a book the story of this particular project. Some day I'm going to write a book (or perhaps she will) telling about all the exciting, gratifying projects in my past that have preceded this one. But that will have to wait ....
Right now, we face the most challenging opportunity of my lifetime. Of all the things I have ever done, this is not at all a oneman project. Never in my life have I been so conscious of my dependence upon the grace of God and the prayers and faithful obedience of many, many wonderful "true believers." At this moment it would seem that we are utterly dependent on the wholehearted collaboration of dozens of Christian organizations. Can y see the picture?
It's a large canvas. It is like a massive painting 100 feet long such as the one in the Hall of the Resurrection at Forest Lawn in Glendale, California. Can you see the canvas? Look over there. One denomination has taken on 100 Hidden People groups by 1990. Look over on this side. Don't you see? Other denominational leaders are considering the same thing.
There, over there a mission agency, a wonderful little college, a Christian magazine. We stand on the brink of a major revolution in the focus of the missions cause. Don't stop praying. Pray now as never before.