This is an article from the November-December 1989 issue: A Christmas Offering

Consider the Unique

Christmas Offering!

Consider the Unique

Give Jesus a People Group for His Birthday! Christmas will be here in just a few weeks. We all look forward to the Christmas season as a time for remembering the birth of our Savior and for giving gifts to our loved ones. Yet how often, at this season, do we think of giving a love gift to Jesus out of gratitude to Him for the redemption He purchased for us?

In Psalm 2 we get a glimpse of a conversation between God the Father and His Son: “You are my Son; today I have become your Father. Ask of me, and I will make the nations (peoples) your possession.”

Jesus, as the High Priest before the Father, asks Him for peoples, that His kingdom of righteousness might rule over them. We as members of Christ's body have the tremendous privilege of participating in prayer and in going forth with the Gospel to people groups in order to bring to pass this promise and prophecy of the Father.

As we approach Christmas, why not commit yourselves as a church to adopt a specific unreached people group for prayer, for financial giving and for ensuring that a missionary team is sent to them with the good news of Christ? What greater gift could we offer Jesus than such a commitment to see a church planted in the midst of a people group that sits in darkness?

This is not a light commitment, but one that will require keeping faithful in prayer and hands-on involvement until the gospel breaks through. Can you imagine any greater satisfaction than being a part of fulfilling God's joy and vision as depicted in Revelation 5:9?

The glorious command and promise of God awaits your involvement. Jesus, from His position of absolute triumph and authority, bids you to “Ask of Him for all peoples,” the rightful inheritance due to His cross, His blood and His resurrection.

For information on the Adopt-A-People program, contact: Adopt-A-People Program Mobilization Division, USCWM l605 Elizabeth St. Pasadena, CA 9ll04 (818/398-2200)


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