This is an article from the January-February 1993 issue: Adopt-A-People

A New Adventure - Update from Pasadena!

A New Adventure - Update from Pasadena!

Rarely do we talk much about the U.S. Center itself. Only two or three times in our 16 year history have we had more than a page or two about us in terms of the inner workings. During our campaign years we did have material about how that was going. Somehow, people were interested in the "adventure" of securing the campus here in Pasadena. It's always been easier to understand the excitement during those early years than the behind-the-scenes, day-to-day trek in which we are now involved.

Even though the "danger" of losing the campus is past, we will continue to share the vision--to create a movement, in the U.S. (and around the globe) of God's people to reach the last groups of unreached peoples. It is still exciting and adventure filled!

In the process, God has given us many opportunities to involve others in the task--whether here in Pasadena, in the areas covered by our Regional Ministries, in the local Mission Frontiers Vision Network (see pages 38-39) or other ways.

One way to do that with each issue of MF is to try to "entice" you to respond to something. It might be a new book. It might be a mission role in your church. It might be a Perspectives class in your area. It might be a staff position here in Pasadena.

While we know that many more people will respond to a great new book on missions than to joining staff, we strongly believe that God is calling some to help to get those books out, and others to help develop the new M.A. Program or others to helping answer the 1000 letters from students and mentors who have responded to this new idea, etc.

Below are a few items to which you might want to respond. Some people are looking for that "next" step in their lives. We have had more people responding recently--but people are "testing out the waters" and it seems difficult for many to make that final decision to join up. If God is calling you--don't fail to answer and don't delay--we need your help now!

Here are a few of the areas where you, or someone you know, may fit:

William Carey Academy

Starting their third year this September, the William Carey Academy (WCA) is like a MK school in the U.S. The school reaches out to the world through the families it serves. Since its inception, two years ago, WCA's student enrollment has represented 14 countries. Some of the families involved are on staff at the USCWM or are associated with affiliate agencies on campus. Some are foreign families who are studying for future ministry. Still others are missionaries away from their field base for furlough and further studies.

The various cultures and languages represented in our school create a beautiful tapestry and present many opportunities for learning as well as creative problem solving.

WCA needs teachers and teacher's helpers. Under the leadership of Lyn Edwards--who has worked in various school situations and is trained in special education--the school has been a great blessing to those involved. (My son is in the school now and my daughter will be next year--so I have a vested interest in seeing this ministry continue!). But the reality of this ministry hits home to me in a different way. We have 17 children, of our staff alone, who are of elementary age (with about 9 young ones on the way and other new staff with kids coming soon!). For these and other reasons we felt this would be a great asset for current and future staff in Pasadena. Beyond that, we can see how the school gives greater global awareness to its students than the normal Christian school. Being around the U.S. Center with all the people from round the globe who pass through here has a tendency to "rub off" in all kinds of ways.

The specific needs for the coming year include:

  • One special resource teacher who has the experience (and flexibility) to help teach standardized grade level requirements in a setting of language and cultural differences.
  • Three Coordinating teachers because of the multi-grade classrooms we plan to have this coming year, (K, 1-2, 3-4, 5-6) we need teachers who can coordinate several subject teachers and be the main teacher for each group.
  • Various helpers/volunteers to fit a wide range of needs; from landscaping to field-trip coordination to office work.
  • Various types of equipment; Overheads, computers, play equipment, etc.

Graphics/Desktop Publishing

Many have noticed that Mission Frontiers hasn't been coming out as often as it used to. One of the key reasons for this is the lack of graphics personnel.

Naturally, there are many other publications. The Global Prayer Digest has been in production now for 10 years--every month! And there are dozens of other newsletters and information publications, not to mention the information-packed prayer letters for staff. When you're involved in informing and mobilizing people through various forms of "media," you need to be able to produce pages quickly and make them appealing to readers.

This all translates into a urgent need for two full-time people in this area--with the potential to grow beyond that to further help agencies on campus.

Services Division

Most people don't want to know or need to know what keeps us going as a campus. In day-to-day life, who wants to hear about a flat tire or a kitchen drawer knob that is loose? Yet, we have a big campus and ministry that needs constant attention and prayer. The Services Division is one of the four major divisions. It is seeking to solve and service these problems. Think about how many letters go daily out from a campus of more than 300 people in 50 agencies and organizations. Mailing and printing services alone take up a good deal of labor and equipment. Just to be able to keep up with our MF mailing list we make an average of 50 address changes each day of the year (If you tell us you are going to move before you move, money is saved.). Of course data entry is only part of that equation. The use of computers and how they are applied to these problems is another part.

Please pray about the necessary transitions from our old main computer system and our phone system for the whole campus. Transitions like this can cause delays and frustration.


We are constantly blessed by the efforts of local volunteers. We hope that we are a blessing to them as well. It is clear to us that if we had more volunteers, we would save additional money and gain needed expertise.

Also, from time to time we need expert help that you might be able to provide no matter where you are. We are developing a database of people willing to be called upon for advice, volunteering whatever time they can contribute.

For example, if someone were to analyze our gas, water and electric usage, we could perhaps save thousands of dollars. Other skills needed from time-to-time include (but are not limited to) architects, attorneys, phone system analysts and repair, computer network specialists, various kinds of contractors, business consultants, management experts and many others.

Perhaps you or a group from your church would like to come to sunny California for a short term mission trip to help in some way--many groups have done just that, and we appreciate it greatly.

Well, did it work? Are you interested in finding out more? Do you get excited about the potential adventure of helping rasise up a grassroots movement in our land for the unreached?

If so, or even if you're just going to order a book (which you do from the inside back cover)--let me know by mailing or faxing (Fx:(818) 398-2263 the form below to the Centers (for address, see directory pg.2).


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