A CPM Vision For The World
God has shown us that He is indeed doing something in our days among the peoples of the earth--something so amazing we would not have believed it had we not seen it with our own eyes (see Hab. 1:5). We are calling this amazing thing Church Planting Movements. Church Planting Movements are not limited to a geographical or racial sector of society. God has demonstrated that He can produce them among urban or rural, educated or illiterate people on any continent and from any religious background. The universal link in each of them is God reconciling the world to Himself through Christ Jesus.
Along the way, He has called us to be co-laborers with Him. If we are willing, He may grace us further to see Church Planting Movements unfold throughout the world in our generation.
Over the past five years, in as few as five Church Planting Movements, nearly a quarter of a million lost souls have come to faith in Jesus Christ. Imagine 50 Church Planting Movements--or 500! The excitement, however, is not in the numbers, not even when we consider that these numbers represent individuals coming to new life in Christ. The greatest joy comes in being on mission with God in His redemptive plan for the nations--serving as His instruments in this unfolding miracle of salvation that is being extended to all peoples. It is for this joy that we press on.
Marathon runners usually begin their race with great enthusiasm. Before long, however, many drop out or slow down. But some runners stride on through the pain and exhaustion. For these enduring athletes, there is no more exhilarating sight than the homestretch. When they see it, their pulse quickens, their pace strengthens and their adrenaline surges as they drive themselves forward to the finish line.
The Body of Christ has been running a great race for 2,000 years. Along the way, many believers have grown weary and distracted. Instead of pressing ahead, they have become satisfied with a slowing pace.
A growing number of Christians today are observing signs that we may be entering the homestretch. God is pouring out His spirit among the nations (see Acts 2:17). Those who interpret these Church Planting Movements as signs of His divine intervention in history are re-examining their lives and redoubling their efforts.
Simply put, if this is of God, we want to be a part of it. Entering the homestretch, we find our pulse quickening, our pace strengthening and our resolve heightened.
Contents ©2000 by the International Mission Board.
Let us then throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles and let us run with perseverance the race marked out before us. (Heb. 12:1, NIV)
The greatest joy comes in being on mission with God in His redemptive plan for the nations