Joel Wright's Profile

Personal Information

Missionary Converge Worldwide / Least Reached Peoples Strategist
Elgin, IL / Brazil

Joel and Barbara Wright have been serving for over two decades in Brazil and with Brazilians, working largely in the areas of theological education, church planting, evangelism and leadership development.

From 1990-2007 Joel served as full-time Instructor at the Baptist Theological Seminary of São Paulo, Brazil, helping train over 1,000 new pastors and church leaders for ministry. In their current role with Intercultural Ministries, Joel serves as National Coordinator for Portuguese-speaking initiatives, as well as a Least-Reached Peoples Strategist. They help initiate new Brazilian churches within Converge Worldwide, as well as strengthening strategic leadership and evangelistic projects globally. Barbara works full time at the Converge financial headquarters in Arlington Heights, IL.

They have three adult children, Joshua, Sarah, and Gabriel.