India: The Greatest Challenge to World Evangelization

The May-June 2019 issue of Mission Frontiers turns our focus to India. No other country in the world has such a diverse and complex society with thousands of different communities all separated by caste, language and religion. Each of these communities will likely need a separate movement of disciple making and church planting—thereby making India the greatest challenge to world evangelization that the global mission force faces today. This issue will provide insight, stories of hope and multiple resources for the task at hand in bringing the Good News of Jesus to the people of India.

This Month's Articles

Understanding the Remaining Mission Task - VIDEO Web Only

Understanding the Remaining Mission Task - VIDEO

This video demonstrates the remaining mission task across the globe by showing which people in the world have no chance of learning about Jesus from someone within their own people group.

Tags: 14, 24, 2414 coalition

The Only Way to Reach India is Through Movements Editorial

The Only Way to Reach India is Through Movements

There are unreached people groups in almost every country on Earth. But no other country in the world has a greater concentration of unreached and Frontier Peoples than the country of India. Half the population of all Frontier Peoples live in India and 90% of all the people of India live in unreached people groups. No other country in the world has such a diverse and complex society with thousands of different communities all separated by caste, language and religion

Tags: india, steve smith

India: The Greatest Challenge to World Evangelism Feature

India: The Greatest Challenge to World Evangelism

India today still remains the greatest challenge to world evangelism, as evidenced in these informative maps, graphs, charts and images.

Tags: india, world evangelization

Why the Community/ Caste Focus is Needed in Support of Church Planting Movements Feature

Why the Community/ Caste Focus is Needed in Support of Church Planting Movements

Let us start with how people perceive themselves. There is too much of classifying people by who we think they are, rather than who they perceive themselves to be. That is arrogance on our part, not a respect of people as people who are living as members of communities. Would we consider placing members of distinctively different people together, people who have a history of not getting on, in a church plant in the UK, US or Australia? Then why does so much of mission attempt that in other parts of the world? Lack of knowledge and expediency are poor substitutes for respecting people as people and recognizing the dignity and realities of community.

Tags: caste

The Year of the Frontier Feature

The Year of the Frontier

The Year of the Frontier starts on May 1st, 2019, promoted by large prayer networks in conjunction with Joshua Project’s “Unreached of the Day” and Frontier Venture’s GlobalPrayer Digest. Additional Frontier Peoples resources can be found at www. and .


A Still Thriving Middle-aged Movement: Feature

A Still Thriving Middle-aged Movement:

An Interview with Victor John by Dave Coles

How long has the Bhojpuri movement been going on? The movement started in 1998. I had begun focusing on work among the Bhojpuri since 1992 and in 1994 we began the ministry in earnest. We held the first Bhojpuri consultation, began a systematic survey for all the Bhojpuri districts and made a decision to focus on obedience-based discipleship. We didn’t start with a blueprint for how the ministry would unfold; everything has been evolving through the years. The real breakthrough with significant numbers happened when we released the first edition of the Bhojpuri New Testament in 1998.

Tags: bhojpuri movement, victor john

The Bhojpuri Movement Transforming Social Dynamics Feature

The Bhojpuri Movement Transforming Social Dynamics

The 1990s saw years of brutal warfare between high caste and low caste people in the state of Bihar. Both groups had guerilla-type armies and over 1,000 people were killed in the violence. Our group brought the good news into this context of enmity, revenge and wholesale human slaughter. Through prayer warfare and proclamation of the good news the caste warfare amazingly subsided.


Key insights in enabling movements among the Hindu and Muslim peoples Feature

Key insights in enabling movements among the Hindu and Muslim peoples

Today, we live in a very exciting time when millions of people from the Hindu and Muslim peoples are coming to faith. Isaiah talked about a new thing in Isa. 43:18-19 when he said: “forget the former things: do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness (new pathways in the Scriptures) And rivers in the desert” The Holy Spirit (rivers of living water, John 7:37-39) is revealing new insights for reaching the non-Christian mainstreams in the spiritual deserts of the world. From our experience, there are at least seven key insights that we have found helpful in reaching Hindu and Muslim peoples with the Good News of the Kingdom. They are:

Tags: hindu, muslim

The Journey of One Hindu Man that Continued into Another Generation Feature

The Journey of One Hindu Man that Continued into Another Generation

This article is an excerpt from the book Radical Together by David Platt and used by permission of Multnomah Press. In 1990, a young Hindu man from a Brahmin background travelled by bus for many hours from northern Karnataka to the city of Bangalore in South India. There he met a good Indian friend of mine who helped him in his request to look for a job. His own work in the weaving industry was in jeopardy and being made irrelevant due to the presence of a large multinational company moving into the area to compete with the local industries functioning with individuals who of course could not compete with the mass production of the big factories.

Tags: hindu

Advancing through Persecution in North India Feature

Advancing through Persecution in North India

From the time of the New Testament up to today, bold witnesses continue to see the gospel advance, even in the face of serious persecution. Once when Jesus sent His disciples out on mission, he told them, “I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves” (Matt. 10:16, NLT). The rest of that chapter records a fascinating list of possible results from following Jesus’ pattern for mission. Some who follow His pattern will get hauled before the courts. Some will be betrayed by their own families. Some will be threatened. Others will receive a gracious welcome. And all are so important to God that the very hairs on their heads are numbered.

Tags: north india, persecution

Enduring Persecution in India Feature

Enduring Persecution in India

In this season of persecution, I feel like God has given Satan permission: “Do what you want to those believers in India.” I know that in history the church has grown, not just in spite of persecution but because of persecution. In 1950, when the Communists took over China, there were about one million churches. Horrible persecution ensued, and believers throughout the world feared that very little might remain of the Christian faith in China. But in 1990, when the Bamboo Curtain lifted and news reached the outside world, we learned that in the midst of persecution the church had multiplied incredibly, yielding over 70 million churches!

Tags: india, persecution

Is It Time to Declutter the Great Commission? Raising Local Resources

Is It Time to Declutter the Great Commission?

Started by a Japanese woman, a recent viral movement is spreading rapidly. All over the world, people are growing more and more enthusiastic—to declutter. The person behind this movement is Marie Kondo, otherwise known as Japan’s declutter queen. Ms. Kondo, founder of KonMari, propagates a method of organizing and decluttering our lives and homes that is catching on. It even has a spiritual component.

Tags: declutter, marie kondo

24:14 Goal: Movement engagements in every unreached people and place by 2025 (80 months) Other

24:14 Goal: Movement engagements in every unreached people and place by 2025 (80 months)

Mindshifts for Movements

God is doing great things through Church Planting Movements CPMs) around the world in our day. CPM does not mean traditional church planting becoming very fruitful. CPM describes the God-given fruit of a distinctive ministry approach—unique CPM-oriented “DNA.” The perspectives and patterns of a CPM differ in many ways from the patterns of church life and ministry that feel “normal” to many of us.

Tags: cpm, mindshifts

Embracing an Audacious God-Sized Dream Other

Embracing an Audacious God-Sized Dream

You are aiming way too low,” I told a group of students in the DMM training. I’d just read through their goals for the coming months. “Those goals don’t require a move of God. Nor do they show an expectation of multiplication.” Taking a break, I decided we needed to do something physical to get this concept to move from head to heart.

Tags: bhag

A Church Planting Movement Advancing Through Barriers Other

A Church Planting Movement Advancing Through Barriers

In 2012, one of our national partners, Sanjay,* gathered 15 men from various districts. Most were Christian background believers, while a few were Hindu background believers. We began meeting for one-and-a-half to two-day trainings, roughly once per month. As many of them began applying CPM principles, they quickly saw fruit. As of December 2018, 30,000 house churches have been planted and roughly 200,000 new believers baptized. We are consistently reaching fourth generation groups in many places. In a few locations we have reached the twelfth generation. This is not just one movement, but multiple movements stretched across at least four different geographical regions.

Tags: cpm

Introducing Frontier Ventures’ New General Director, Dr. Kevin Higgins Other

Introducing Frontier Ventures’ New General Director, Dr. Kevin Higgins

I have been a friend of Frontier Ventures, then US Center for World Mission, and WCIU since 1980 when the youth group I was leading helped send out mailings about what was happening here. When Susan and I went to Uganda in 1984 to work with Somalis our pre-field preparation was done at the Center and we stayed in Townsend Hall.

Tags: dr. kevin higgins

A Problem with Multiplication Further Reflections

A Problem with Multiplication

As you get older, you think more about who will carry on your family and ministry. Because of that, I increasingly engage and invest my life in the next generation—both those in ministry and my children and grandchildren (I will show you pictures!). And, as I attend events around the globe, I continue to purposefully invest time with leaders.

Tags: multiplication