This is an article from the November-December 2022 issue: Effective Strategies and Roles for Reaching Frontier Peoples

The NEW Thirty-One Prayer Guide

for A Billion in the Largest Frontier People Groups

The NEW Thirty-One Prayer Guide

The Gospel has taken root in people groups comprising now 75% of the world's population. Overall, believers in those groups are multiplying faster than the population growth.

Are we close to filling the gaps—the 25% of the world (2 billion people) still living in Frontier People Groups (FPGs), and the many places (regions and villages) where no believing families are yet modeling and multiplying the Gospel?
Ten Remarkable Developments
Events of the past 200 years suggest we are much closer to discipling all “nations” (ethne, or people groups) than most believers realize.
  •  Starting in 1727, Moravian refugees held around the clock prayer meeting for 110 years, laying the foundation for an outpouring of missionaries around the world.1
  • From 1800 to the mid 1900s, a new breed of missionaries implanted the Gospel in families among a few people groups in nearly every country. 2
  • From 1960 to 2000, the Gospel spread rapidly within these people groups, and non-Western believers [then called Evangelicals] multiplied six times as fast as Western believers.3
  • World population has only doubled over the past 40+ years (1980 to 2022), yet believers globally appear to have multiplied four-fold in ethne where the Gospel had been implanted.4
  • Over the same 40+ years (1980–2022) the global population in ethne still waiting for the Gospel to be implanted dropped 20%—from 2.5B to 2B.5
  • In the last 35 years, the number of movements to Jesus has, on average, doubled every few years—to 2,000 full movements today, with thousands more developing. These movements have won and discipled 115 million new believers. Many movements have been doubling in size every 3–5 years.6
  • These movements are increasingly implanting the Gospel and starting new movements to Jesus in previously overlooked FPGs.7
  • Movement leaders are increasingly collaborating to identify gaps between their movements, and extend their movements into these people groups and places.8
  • Unprecedented global prayer has also developed in recent years around birthing movements to Jesus as a rapid, effective way to disciple all nations.9
  • Unprecedented global collaboration is also facilitating movements to Jesus.10

Paradigm Shifts

Key to what is unfolding are a number of major paradigm shifts:


Future Prospects

The looming realities of our world tempt  us to lose heart over the state of the world and of global Christianity, just as Elijah lost heart and cried out to the Lord:

The Israelites have rejected your covenant, torn down your altars, and put your prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and  now they are  trying to kill me too  (1 Kings 19:14).

Now, as then, the Lord may be quietly accomplishing much more than we can imagine: Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him (1 Kings 19:18).

When the Gospel is present in families that love, listen to and follow Jesus, it often spreads rapidly as a movement to Jesus in same-culture witness. As Jesus’ global body prays and collaborates to implant the Gospel in lost families of every village of every ethne—including FPGs—we can anticipate the remaining gaps filling quickly.

Prayer is foundational for workers to be sent, and for the Gospel to be implanted in families among every FPG, leading to further multiplication of movements to Jesus.

The fully updated third edition of THE THIRTY- ONE prayer guide is a great starting point for believers around the world to become involved in filling the gaps. Order or download from (or download the app from BlessFrontierPeoples. org), then join others at in praying from this guide.





  1. 1 100-year-prayer-movement.

  2. 2 three-eras-of-mission-history.

  3. 3 The Future of the Global Church by Patrick Johnstone, p. 144.

  4. 4 Compare Ralph Winter's Hidden Peoples 1980 pie chart estimate of 0.23 billion "dedicated Christians" with my estimate of at least 1B believers today, based on reports from the 24:14 Coalition (115M disciples) and the Center for the Study of Global Christianity “Status of Global Christianity, 2022” (400M Evangelicals/670M Pentecostals/Charismatics).

  5. 5 Compare Ralph Winter's Hidden Peoples 1980 pie chart estimate with Joshua Project's estimate for groups with less than 0.1% Christian of any kind—

  6. 6 24:14 Coalition:

  7. 7 proximate-strategies.

  8. 8 Personal conversation with 24:14 Coalition leaders

  9. 9,, OperationWorld. org,,,,,,,,,,,, GlobalPRN. com,,,,, etc.

  10. 10,, AllianceForTheUnreached. org,,,,,,, Coalition of the Willing (COTW. global), Bible translation for Every Tribe Every Nation (, Church-Centric Bible Translation (CCBT. bible),, MediaToMovements. org,, and many more.


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