This is an article from the August 1981 issue: Reflections of a Heart Aflame

Out of the Nest

Out of the Nest

Yes, God, like a caring mother eagle, has pushed us out of the nest. We were 48 months in the nest of one kind of His care: He used miracles to help us make the essential payments.

Then, gradually He has allowed us to sup behind just enough finally to trigger a Notice of Default that will arrive by the time you read this. At that point we'll have 90 days to catch up.

How far are you behind

I know you don't like to look at a mass of numbers  so to the right I've circled the $300,000 delinquent amount, which now threatens us with total loss of all our property. Good news: we now have $125,000 toward this, lacking only $175,000. Bad news: we are sliding into the next payment of $175,000 on Sept. 1st.

Does that mean we lose $19 million if we can't pay $300 000

No, $19 million is the total value of our holdings, on which $10 million is still owed. We lose "only' about $9 million (e.g. the 5 1/2 + 3 1/3 above)  but that means we lose all but the shirts on our backs.

What are we doing about this?

We do not solicit gifts other than a single $15.95 amount. We gratefully acknowledge however that many of the 25,000 people who have given to us have often given more than that, much more, or we would not have been able to pay $3 1/3 million in 48 months.

But that is not working

Not quite. For 48 months

we have nevertheless barely survived. However we have earnestly and prayerfully sought the Lord's guidance and we feel God is gently pushing us out of the nest. He has chosen this crisis (we would not have) to make us bold enough now to go out and ask other organizations respectfully to join us in the Frontier Fellowship.

How will that work

Though we have new word that the fateful 90 days grace before foreclosure will begin any moment as I write this (Aug. 11, 1981) we are still in the throes of preparing the essential material for a massive campaign in which scores of other evangelical organizations will be loosely associated. In the diagram below

Here below you see a graph of the numbers from up above. The space between the line for assets and the line for indebtedness is the all important amount of Net Worth. Our net worth really jumped this past year because the 2nd half of the campus was worth twice what our option specified back in 1977.


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