This is an article from the March-April 1982 issue: Students and the Great Commission



Third World Missions: On the Rise

Evangelical resurgence is evident around the world, according to Dr. Wade Coggins, general secretary of the World Evangelical Fellowship. Among the encouraging developments he cited was the increase in the number of missionaries sent out from Third World churches. That number, he said, was estimated to be 3,000 in 1970 while a more detailed study revealed 13,000 last year.World Evangelization commitment, he maintained, was a barometer of a church's vitality. "If the conviction that people are in a lost condition without Jesus Christ is lost," he stated, "then there is not the same kind of impetus to cause the churches to send people out."

Philippine Baptists Set Evangelization Goal

The Conservative Baptist Association of the Philippines has announced the goal of doubling its membership by 1985. A gathering of 3,700 Conservative Baptists meeting in Manila late last year heard the announcement of the drive to increase membership from 10,000 to 20,000 in a Harvest 20,000 program.

Southern Baptists Establish Urban Center

A bold new thrust in mission strategy has been undertaken by a consortium of Southern Baptist agencies with the establishment of the Center for Urban Church Studies in Nashville.

According to Dr. Larry Rose, Executive Director of the Center, the function is to undertake a demographic analysis of each of the world's 500 cities expected to have a population of one million or more by the year 2000, and to suggest strategies for penetrating frontier people groups within those cities.

Other urban specialists have pointed out that in 1900, 87 per cent of the world's people lived in rural situations, but that by 2000, it is expected that over 80 per cent of the world's people will live in urban centers (over 25,000 inhabitants).

Congress on the Bible Draws Leaders

Over 2,000 North American Christian leaders gathered March 4 6 in San Diego, California at the Congress on the Bible, sponsored by the International Consultation on Biblical Inerrancy. Congress delegates heard over 100 of the country's top evangelical leaders lead daily sessions on trusting, understanding and applying God's Word.

Dr. Ralph Winter delivered the seminars on missions in sessions presented each day of the Congress. Dr. Winter reported that the sessions were extremely well attended by enthusiastic Christian leaders and lay-people.

Wheaton College Asks Prayer for Missions Thrust

In a unique approach to concerted prayer support for Wheaton College's annual Missions emphasis week, organizers are seeking people who will pray in 15 minute segments of time during the entire time of the conference, for the Lord's blessing on the conference.

Historically, Wheaton College has an impressive record of developing and sending missionaries to the mission fields of the world. Pray that the Lord of the Harvest will thrust out laborers from this school to penetrate the leastreached, hidden peoples of the world, with the gospel.

The April 19-22 meetings will feature Dr. Walt Baker, professor of Missions as Dallas Seminary, as keynote speaker, as well as representatives from sixty mission agencies.

Twenty-One Hundred Productions, the multi media ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship, has developed a series of four new films which spotlight the Hidden Peoples. Since their Urbana '81 debut, the films have been released on a rental basis.

The series, To Every People, introduces the four cultural blocs which represent the vast majority of people groups within which there is not yet a culturally relevant witness. Separate films highlight the needs of Chinese, Hindu, Muslim and tribal worlds. The films are well documented, and include interviews with specialists in each of the cultural megaspheres.For more information, contact your local IVCF representative, or write IVCF, 233 Langdon Street, Madison, WI 53703.

OPERATION WORLD, the Easter Conference sponsored by Operation Mobilization (OM) will be held in Tampa, Florida, April 8 10. Those dates coincide with the arrival of the Doulos (ship ministry of OM) in St Petersburg.

The conference is slated to be inspirational and educational, with a special emphasis on Hidden People groups: Hindu, Chinese, and Muslim. Activities will include sessions with George Sweeting, David Adeney, George Miley and Greg LMngstone; as well as times of intercessory prayer, media presentations, and small group meetings.


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