This is an article from the August 1984 issue: Spiritual Dynamics and Foreign Missions as Emphasized at Columbia Bible Institute



Dear USCWM Staff:

I have appreciated Dr. Winter's influence on my life and outlook since I heard him in a series of lectures in Denver, Colorado several years ago. Each of your efforts are appreciated. I only wish I had the resources to do more.

I want to present materials to each member of our church's Outreach Committee. Please suggest other materials that I should Include to help them appreciate and understand the efforts the Center is making .... I would gladly make each one on the committee a founder, but I would rather they did that on their own.

-Dick M. Maher, CO

I've had several (Hidden Peoples] parties and I have already sent In a follow up questionnaire. I've had about 30 people in all, and almost 3/4 of them left the "I'm Starting! cards, It has been a rest joy and privilege to be involved in the Hidden Peoples projects ....

People really respond when they understand the facts and needs and realize the urgency of world evangelization.

-Mrs. T.S. Wortham, TX

Dear USCWM Staff,

I am very thankful for the work being done through the Center. belong to the Caleb Project and road the Global Prayer Digest and World Christian. This spring I had the great privilege of taking the 115 extension course — 'Perspectives  on my college can,.,. I've learned a great deal, and I am seeking to more actively share the vision live gained for the frontiers.

May God empower you as you continue to educate and help mobilize Christians concerning world evangelization.

-Wayne H.

Cedar Rapids, IA

Dear James (Stewart),

Thank you so much for the copy of jibe June July issue of] Mission Frontier.. I remember talking to Warren Webster, the general director of the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society, and he remarked back in 1982 that he wondered if Cod was doing something special on our Christian college campuses because there were two mI,,Ionefio, just appointed to the presidency (Dave Rambo and myself),

Now to see six was just thrilling, and thank you for featuring it.

I hope you don't mind me mentioning one correction In the interview, but there needs to be some clarification. In the first questIon I am quoted as saying. ewe see that In California, by 1390, over 50% of the people will be non English speaking."

I believe I said, '4... that in California, by 1990, less than S% of the people will speak English as their mother tongue." There is quite a difference In the two statements.

Thank you for your commitment to the frontiers.

Yours for equipping Christian leaders,

-Clyde Cook President BioIa University La Mireda, CA

Dear friends,

It excites me to see what Cod has been doing through the ministries of the USCWM (especially in my life).

I attended the SCOWE missions conference this year. and, amongother things, saw the potential of the Center. I'm planning to go to the mission field when God makes the way clear, but in the meantime I'm trying to spread the vision to friends at church. I am Interested In finding out all material that you have available for exposing/ exciting Christians about God's work around the world.

In our Lord,

-Fred V. Orange, CA

Dear friends at Frontier Fellowship,

Just have to reiterate what inspiration and challenge it is to receive and use the Global Prayer Digest. Have been getting it about S months now, and continually find ways of sharing a page or two, paragraph or an entire mini biography of same great missionary. I send them in letters or share them with friends. So far I'm the only one in my family or prayer circle who uses it, hut, 0. what blesting the Lord gives me through It!

-Annabel M.

Santa Barbara, CA

Dear friends,

We attended a Hidden Peoples Party and have mailed out 20 letters to friends and relatives..., We believe in what you are is a real privilege to be a part of Cod's miracle.

-Jim and Mary P. Newberg, OR


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