This is an article from the December 1983 issue: Heroes on the Homefront Part 2



Dear Friends,

I was pleased with a sample copy of FRONTIERSCAN which I picked up at the recent EFMA Conference.

I am enclosing a check for $3.00 and would like to receive 100 sample copies of either the October or November edition. I will send these out as promotional samples to our staff and Board members by way of alerting them to their availability.

The idea is a commendable one and adds a useful tool to the Daily Prayer Guide

Cordially yours in the fellowship of the Great Commission.

-Warren Webster

General Director Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission Society

Dear Sir,

This is lust to say I'm thrilled with what I read of your vision and work, and gladly send my $15.95.God enabled me to serve Him in North India for thirty three years with World wide Evangelization Crusade. I praise Cod for the privilege, and for the privilege, and for the precious bonds with His people In that land.

No doubt your researchers are finding about many 'hidden people" In that land. In the rural north I myself have told the story of Jesus and was told in sounds so sweet. Tell me His Name again, '

Sincerely yours

-Thea B. Hutchinson, MN

Dear sirs,

I know this is late, but I was just shown the letter sent out by Dr. Ralph Winter and felt led to send the enclosed amt. ($15. 5) for the Center for World Mission.

I personally know several missionaries, including quite a few who serve with the sane organization I am with (Campus Crusade for Christ), who have benefited greatly from your very vital and needed ministry. Keep up the good work.

Thank you for your service to us on the mission field end especially for your sensitivity & obedience to the vision God has given to you, as represented through the Center.

In Him,

-Debra E.


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