IIS Builds Momentum!
Extension Program Coordinators Sought
This summer the Institute of International Studies (IIS) marks its tenth year of ministry. Through the popular Perspectives course, over 3,500 students have been able to discover their role in world evangelization, over 1.000 just in 1984! In addition, the Perspectives text is used In over 100 other schools.
The following section of Mission Frontiers highlights the opportunities available and the urgent need for additional Perspectives classes and coordinators.
IIS, sponsor of the Perspectives course, Is pleased to announce Its fifth Perspectives Curriculum Workshop, for new Regional Coordinators, to be held July 21st through 27th In Pasadena. California.
Perspectives Course, 1st Session June 18 to July 20 (filled up Special Coordinators Workshop July 21 27 Perspectives Course. 2nd Session August 26 to 31)
The past five years have witnessed a growing demand to offer Perspectives in locations other than Pasadena, and it has become necessary to set up a special one week training program for such people.
It has not been uncommon for a Perspectives alumnus to bring back to his college fellowship or local congregation such knowledge and enthusiasm for mlssion that it entirely nonemphasis on missions, a new site, in prayer or giving for missions, and a desire for learning about the missions enterprise grips the people "back home.'
In this manner hundreds of people have become "thirsty" to learn more.
Such fervor has encouraged IIS to make Perspectives available in key locations around the U.S., led by trained lay coordinators.
By now about 35 graduates of the Perspectives program have received "Coordinator's Training," and thousands of additional students, 20 70 per class, are now able to take Perspectives at extension centers.
Vet dozens of requests for the course remain unfilled due to a lack of sufficient numbers of coordinators.
At Wheaton, Illinois, for instance, over 60 students applied to take the course, but no coordinator could be found to bring the course to them.
To meet this challenge, IS has developed the Curriculum Workshop, an intensive, seven day training experience that teaches Perspectives alumni who have graduated from college how to administer, promote, and instruct a Perspectives course in their home church or campus fellowship.
Some of the topics discussed at the Workshop Include:
Mission Education Today Objectives of a "PERSPECTIVES" Program How We Learn as Adults Learning Resources on Missions Leading Discussion Sessions Developing Lesson Plans Developing a Promotional Strategy Record Keeping Methods.
A three hundred page training syllabus has been developed for participants to use during the workshop.
The cost of the workshop is $235, including materials, room and board.
To receive an application, check the appropriate box on the back cover of this issue of Mission Frontiers.
Applications, together with $10 processing fees, need to be received before July 13.
'One of the Best Things We've Done!'
Extension Coordinator Speaks Out
Bruce Camp is Outreach and Missions Pastor of the First Evangelical Free Church of Fullerton, California. His church recently completed a 20 week version of the Perspectives course. Mission Frontiers Dave Dougherty interviewed Bruce prior to the lost doss session:
Dave: Bruce, you're just completing the course that has been the response from your students to Perspectives?
Bruce: They've loved it. To me, it's been one of the best things that we've done.
It's helped the students realize what Cod is saying about world evangelization. Christ is not coming back until the world is reached. That's our primary task here on this earth.
It's helped us all to see that history has a purpose. Cod is working throughout history to bring salvation to the ends of the earth.
It's also wade them realize more the complexity of this task. Zeal is not enough. There must be knowledge of how to learn, understand and work with inother culture.
The emphasis on strategy has been excellent also. We have been challenged to think through the best way to actually reach a group, within our own culture as well as in a different cultural group.
Dive: How many people are involved In the program?
Bruce: We've had two ten week segments.
We had approximately 80 people at the beginning.
After the break we had a little drop off, so I guess we're running St or 50 people now.
Dave: Who are your students?
Bruce: When we first began thinking about the class we
wanted to reach three groups.
One was the group of potential missionaries in our own church. These are the people that we're working with now to train to go out In a missions endeavor.
Secondly, we wanted to educate our own missions board, the leaders in our congregation who are leading the congregation In this vital area.
Thirdly, we wanted to challenge additional adult leaders In our church congregation. That way, in each adult Sunday School class, we would have somebody who was knowledgeable in the area of missions.
I would say that in this class, the average student is around 35 years old. We have some college and seminary students. But most of the people are in the career stage and we have some who are retired.
Dave: At what level is the course taught?
Bruce: It is offered through Columbia Bible College for undergraduate credit and through Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary in Denver for graduate credit, both fully accredited schools.
I suppose that almost half the class is taking the course for credit and most of that is at the graduate level.
Dave: What's been the focus of the content?
Bruce: The class has consisted of talking about four major areas: theology of missions, history of missions, cross cultural issues, and strategy of missions.
Dave: What are some of the
features that have had significant Impact on the students?
Bruce: The focus on the "hidden peoples" was very strong in the class. Thus has been good, showing that the task of world evangelization 5 not yet completed (in fact, we have quit. a ways to go).
Secondly, we've tried to build in the emphasis on what a local congregation can and should be doing in the area of missions.
Dave: Working in a large church. you have a large budget and many resources to use. Could this program work In a Smaller church?
Bruce: Yes, I believe that this would he excellent for any group.
Since we do have more of some resources for this class, we have invited some of the smaller churches located in our area to loin us in our class.
However, any church can do an excellent job of using this course to inspire and equip and challenge their people in the task of reaching the unreached for Jesus Christ.