This is an article from the June 1982 issue: Cameron Townsend



The First Korean World Mission Congress will be held at the William Carey International University in Pasadena, California May 17 30, 1982. Expected to attend are 300 delegates from Korean churches on five continents. The objectives of the Congress are: 1) to unite Koreans worldwide for the Great Commission of Christ, and 2) to establish a Korean World Mission Coordinating Center.

The Congress will observe the centennial year of diplomatic relations between Korea and the United States. Speakers will include Dr. Yong Chik Han of the famed Yong Nak Presbyterian Church in Seoul, N. J. Gnaniah of India, Dr. Ralph Winter, Don McCurmy, Don Brown, and Jim Ziervogel, from Pasadena.

A Smash Hit at ACMC

This year's national conference of the Association of Church Missions Committees has got to be the most outstanding program in their considerable history of highly organized conferences. This conference is like an Urbana for adults. Don't let your church be damaged by missing out. What a loss for two or three key people in your church if you have not yet laid plans to go. Now is the time to write for the big beautiful folder of this July 15 18 conference at Southern Illinois University. You'll see a staggering array of outstanding speakers workshop leaders, etc. Nothing remotely comparable to it in 1982. Write to ACMC, 1621 So. Myrtle Avenue, Monrovia, CA 91016.

Not just students, now church congregations can use the 864 page book "Perspectives", that we have bragged about (Turn back to p. 15.)

Why? How?

Now Available is a spectacular new 150 page Study Guide for the course Understanding the World Christian Movement.

Note the exciting topics:

  1. The Living God is a Missionary God
  2. The Obligations and the Opportunity
  3. The Kingdom Strikes Back
  4. A Man and a Message for All Peoples
  5. The Expansion of the World Christian Movement
  6. Eras of Mission History
  7. Pioneers of the Movement
  8. The Task Remaining
  9. Strategy for World Evaidization
  10. That Everyone May Hear
  11. A World of Difference
  12. How Shall They Hear?
  13. Building Bridges of Love
  14. The Church in Culture
  15. The Spontaneous Multiplication of Churches
  16. Pioneer Church Planting
  17. The Hidden Peoples and the Hungry Half
  18. Unreached Doesn't Mean Unreachable
  19. World Christian Teamwork
  20. World Christian Discipleship

Special note: These topics and this Study Guide lead you by the hand through all 87 chapters of that luxurious 864 page book, Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. (Circle item on back page.)


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