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Search Results For: Native American
The Picuris Pueblo An Unreached People Group in America
Tags: native american
How could there be an unreached people group in the USA? Can't they turn on the TV and radio to listen to the gospel? Haven't they met Christians in a shopping mall? Common questions. Reasonable...
200 Unreached Peoples In Our Midst: A Legacy of Tears—A Future of Hope
Tags: native american
Do you know what comes to the Navajo reservation every summer?" The Navajo young woman asked during one of the seminars at Urbana '93. Without waiting for an answer, she said, with tears streaming...
What Can We Do to Reach Native Americans? Some Helpful Suggestions.
Tags: native american
- Educate yourself concerning ministry to Native Americans. Contact CHIEF for a catalog of educational tapes from their Sonrise '92 conference. A more complete listing of agencies and resources is...
Speaking from the Heart: An interview with a Native American who shares frankly about life as a Chri
Tags: native american
MF: Share with us a little about your background and how you came to know the Lord.
FAITH: My name is Faith Mexicano and I am a Native American from the Navajo tribe in Arizona. I grew up on the...
CHIEF Christian Hope Indian Eskimo Fellowship Training Native Americans to reach Native Americans
An Interview with Rev. Tom Claus
Tags: native american
We are very pleased to present the following interview with Rev. Tom Claus, President and Founder of Christian Hope Indian Eskimo Fellowship (CHIEF) Inc. located in Phoenix, Arizona. He is a Mohawk...
Native American Peoples
Who is going to love them?
Tags: native american
Christine had seven children. Their father had died years before, leaving her as a young widow to rear them alone. She did what she could, but with two social liabilities: she was a single mom and...