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The Magazine for Serious Disciples

The Directory of Articles Contained in the April 1988 Issue

Cover Story: Leadership '88: Will Confusion Give Way to Cooperation?

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Editorial Comment
by Ralph D. Winter 

The Momentous Question
by Ralph D. Winter 
Will enough of the alienated youth of the '60s be captured by the Biblical vision for the world?

Leadership '88: It's Time for a New Generation to Join Tegether
by Jay Gary
On the heels of World War II, at meeting grounds like Forest Home and Mount Hermon, at Wheaton College and at hundreds of Youth for Christ rallies nationwide, God raised up a generation of leaders who joined hands to evangelize the world.

Leadership 88: Will Confusion Give Way to Cooperation?
About six months ago, thousands of younger, “‘emerging’ Christian leaders” around the U.S. began receiving packets of material inviting them to attend Leadership ’88, a Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (LCWE)-sponsored conference to be held June 27th through July 1st in Washington, DC.

Around the World
News happening around the world.

Can God No Longer Afford North American Missionaries?
by Wade T. Coggins
Some people are asking the question, “In light of the growing body of believers around the world, is it time to find alternatives to sending Americans as missionaries?” 

Regional Mobilizers' Workshops Off to a Good Start!
by Ralph D. WInter

Ralph Winter addresses first Regional Mobilizers’ Workshop opening rally. March 25.

Los Angeles '88: Heir Apparent to the Spirit of COMIBAM
by John Holzmann 
Other leaders of Los Angeles ’88 may have yet to catch the “can do” spirit of COMIBAM ’87 (see MF, January 1988), but there is little doubt Congress President Alberto Mottesi has.

Fred & Margaret Achenbach-- Pure Gold for the Kingdom
by Wilma Cashin 
“America’s seniors are more numerous, active and powerful, but their clout comes at a cost,” said a recent Time magazine article.