April 1988 Leadership '88: It's Time for a New Generation to Join Tegether Leadership 88: Will Confusion Give Way to Cooperation? Can God No Longer Afford North American Missionaries? Regional Mobilizers' Workshops Off to a Good Start! |
The Momentous Question Will enough of the alienated youth of the '60s be captured by the Biblical vision for the world? by Ralph D. Winter For better or worse, in the past ten years the U.S. Center for World Mission has been an (unplanned) laboratory of opportunity for potential younger leaders. Some have stormed in, and others have stormed out. Some have not come near. Many have grown like weeds. Some have simply groped about, devoted but hesitant in any long-term commitment. There must be hundreds of others all over the world who ought to be beginning right now to take up leadership in God's biggest cause. His MAIN ACTIVITY .... Now, the death of Leighton Ford's own son. Sandy, has provided the spark for a searching, sensitive, global attack on this momentous question. How? The Lausanne Committee has daringly seized the initiative. The Lausanne Committeee for World Evangelization is the only world-level entity focused exclusively on World Evangelization (and that is the terse, potent name of their free magazine÷ see order page in the back).Leadership '88 is a large meeting of younger leaders in Washington DC. The last week of June, it is the North American foUow-through for the meeting of younger leaders from around the world that was held last year in Singapore. Now in country after country it is hoped that older leaders will be willing to assist younger, potential leaders to meet and mingle together in the heady atmosphere of star-studded programs such as those planned for Leadership '88. The purpose of this relatively expensive gathering is not to sign people up for jobs, nor even to go through some kind of formality in which "the torch" is passed on .. .. The idea is much more profound and realistic than any of those things."Where there is no vision the people perish," says the Bible. In the Leadership '88 atmosphere, the miracle for which everyone is praying is that a massive, new, constructive zeal will burst forth through the working of the Spirit of God so that no one present will ever forget the overarching priority of the Great Commission. The following articles highlight this daring attempt to draw out new commitments from many younger leaders÷leaders who are not yet quite sure they want to be involved, leaders who may still be fighting the "battle of the generations," men and women who are discovering almost too late that the vision of global evangelization is not a creation of the older generation, but a Biblical mandate which devolves upon all who seek to obey the Living Lord. If you know younger leaders who ought to be in Washington, DC, then WHY NOT DO SOMETHING TO HELP THEM GET THERE? [ FRONT PAGE ] [ MEET OUR STAFF ] [ USCWM ] [ SEARCH ] |