This is an article from the May-June 1994 issue: Native Americans

What Can We Do to Reach Native Americans? Some Helpful Suggestions.

What Can We Do to Reach Native Americans? Some Helpful Suggestions.
  1. Educate yourself concerning ministry to Native Americans. Contact CHIEF for a catalog of educational tapes from their Sonrise '92 conference. A more complete listing of agencies and resources is being developed by the Institute of Native American Studies. Contact them for more information. You may also order a copy of The Reconciler published by the Reconciliation Coalition. Subscriptions are by donation.
  2. Adopt an unreached Native American people group. Churches are encouraged to contact the Mobilization Div. at the USCWM for more information on how to adopt-a-people group.
  3. Pray for unreached peoples among Native Americans. Write to the Institute of Native American Studies, INAS, for a list of Native American peoples.
  4. Consider a short-term commitment to helping with surveys among the yet unsurveyed people groups. There is survey work to be done in all areas of the U.S. and Canada. Contact INAS for more information.
  5. Volunteer in the INAS office to help with computer and clerical work.
  6. Give financially to help in surveys, training and church planting. Contact one of the agencies listed.
  7. Pray about and consider a long-term commitment to reaching Native Americans. This may involve additional training on your part. Make this too a matter for prayer.
  8. Work toward a Graduate degree, doing research on Native Americans. This can be done here or at other schools.
  9. Write a People Profile on an unreached Native American tribe. Perspectives students can write their people profiles on one of these unreached tribes. Whether you are a Perspectives student or not, contact the INAS for suggestions. There is a tremendous need to coordinate our efforts in reaching Native Americans. Because this has not been done in the past, there has been much overlap and duplication of effort among some people groups while others have remained unreached.

If you are considering any of the above options, please work through existing mission agencies. Please do not launch out on your own without the guidance and training of experienced agencies. You can do more harm than good.


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