This is an article from the January-February 1995 issue: The Frozen Church

The Ministry of AIMS

The Ministry of AIMS

The Association of International Mission Services (AIMS) strives to provide an integrated approach to missions. The AIMS watchword, "Mobilizing and Networking the Christian Community for Global Evangelization" catches the thrust and spirit of the organization.

Believing that the task of completing the Great Commission is best served by the Body of Christ having a coordinated and strategic approach to missions, AIMS is called to be a ministry fellowship that encourages, trains, mobilizes, networks, and facilitates the worldwide community of churches, agencies and other organizations, and individuals for strategic global evangelization.

To accomplish this, AIMS works to:

  • Awaken the Global Christian Community to world evangelization through praying, giving and going.
  • Encourage and facilitate fellowship and networking, among Great Commission Christians.
  • Advocate strategic evangelization and targeting of unreached peoples
  • Mobilize and train AIMS members and partners for effective participation in frontline missions
  • Cooperate with the greater Body of Christ to work toward world evangelization

Church Services

The AIMS National Field Ministry, made up of trained personnel across the United States, exists for the purpose of assisting local churches in becoming World Class Mission Churches. Working hand-in-hand with the Church Services Division of AIMS, field representatives assist pastors, mission committees and congregations in the area of world missions through mentoring, consultation and seminars.

  • Provide comprehensive consultative services
  • Assist the local church to identify specific mission
  • Equip the local church for internal mission structures
  • Network the local church with other churches and mission organizations
  • Guide the local church in a missions self-evaluation
  • Conduct dynamic seminars
  • Teach the local church how to adopt an unreached people group
  • Partner the local church with strategic international church planting projects

Agency Services

  • Conferences and Consultations
  • Annual Agency Leader's Retreat, exclusively for agencies to meet their specific needs
  • An accreditation program giving agencies added credibility and expertise through AIMS Fellowship of Mission Agencies
  • The Global Missions Databank, offering you a wide variety of missions-relevant information from over 20 mission databases, including thousands of agencies and operations around the world
  • Cooperative church planting projects
  • Opportunities to meet, network and share with over 150 other mission agencies
  • The Networker, a directory of members, with cross- referenced agency descriptions, targeted countries and type of work
  • Music & Missions, a specialized segment within the Agency Services division, serving to mobilize music, drama and the arts for the cause of world evangeliza-tion.

AIMS is currently enrolling Great Commission Christians in their World Access Network (WAN). Missions minded participants in the World Access Network fill out a survey form listing their areas of interest. Then, through a sophisticated database, they are kept up-to- date on missions activities from around the world in their areas of interest. They are encouraged to pray for these activities as well as given opportunity to become more actively involved in the project if they desire. Working in conjunction with over 100 mission sending agencies and organizations provides the World Access Network with a seemingly limitless number of opportunities to pray and be involved in mission goals.


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