This is an article from the October-December 1984 issue: The US Center: Its Present and Its Future



Over 400 Executives Attend

Focusing on the theme "Biblical Balance on Modern Missions," conference speakers, discussion leaders, and delegates conferred on how to know the mind of Christ in missions strategy, personnel policy, administrative procedure, academic reflection, and new cooperative ventures. Evangelical mission leaders have come to rely on such conferences for new perspectives and for the practical assistance that comes from face to face consultation between peers.

Morning and evening plenary sessions were complemented by afternoon special interest sessions and numerous Informal huddles. Special concern was expressed for the U.S. Center for World Mission's financial needs, and the delegates contributed $3700 to the USCWM founding budget in an offering on the last evening of the conference.

World Christian Gift Section

Spreading the vision for world evangelization to others is one of the primary goals of the U.S. Center for World Mission. On those occasions when we find ourselves searching for just the right gift, for some special person, we face a golden opportunity to spread such a vision. The following list covers some of the best vision spreading materials available today   and at very low discount prices.


The exiting story of how a 19 year old youth brought the gospel of Christ to a savage stone age nation, without destroying the beauty of their culture. Bruce Olson. List Price: $4.95 Your Price: $4.00

Eternity In Their Hearts

King Solomon's statement that God has set eternity in the hearts of men is proven through fascinating examples of how God enabled different pagan peoples to understand the meaning of the gospel. Don Richardson. List Price: $9.95 Your Price: $8.25 (Hard Cover ¬Specify) List Price: $5.95 Your Price: $4.95 (Soft Cover Specify)

From Jerusalem to Irlan Jay.

Few fields of history offer more varied and intriguing subject matter than does the history of Christian missions. This book brings alive this fadscinating subject in a lively style that reads more like a novel than a textbook. Adventure, romance, tragedy, intrigue, sorrow and humor combine to capture the attention of student and layperson alike. Ruth Tucker. List Price: $14.95 Your Price: $10.00

The Great Omission: A Biblical Basis for World Evangelism Why do so many Christians, who have accepted Christ, refuse to accept His Great Commission?

Dr. McQuilken thoroughly investigates and provides answers to this crucial question. J. Robertson McOuilken. List Price: $4.95 Your Price: $3.50

In the Gap: What it means to be a World Christian.

This core handbook describes what a World Christian is, how he thinks, what he choses and how he takes action for Christ's global cause. A small group study guide is enclosed, providing a ten week study/ discussion of the book and its implications. David Bryant. List Price: $5.95 Your Price: $5.25

Journey to the Nations: A Study Guide for World Christians.

Very readable short collection of articles by mission leaders on topics such as history of missions, current state of missions and the Christian church worldwide, evangelization of Hidden Peoples and prayer and its place in missions. Written for stucents. Debra Sanders. List Price: $4.95 Your Price: $4.25

AII titles are soft cover unless specified.

The Kingdom Strikes Back

The fascinating story of how Cod established, through miracle after miracle, the United States Center for World Mission. (Updated 1983. formerly titled "Once More Around Jericho".) Roberta Winter. List Price: $1.95 Your Price: $1.25

Operation World: A Handbook for World Intercession.

Statistics and descriptions of countries around the world with specific up to date prayer needs. Excellent tool for stimulating group and individual prayer. P.J. Johnston. List Price: $4.95 Your Price: $14.50

William Carey

The frank biography of the "Father of Protestant Missions". His clear treatise 'An enquiry into the means..." and his own life's witness began the modern Protestant missions movement. With the backing of a few of his friends he went to India as a missionary and translator. Mary Drery. List Price: $5.95 Your Price: $5.00

The Unfinished Task In August 1806 five Williams College students, caught in a thunder storm, took refuge under a haystack. There they prayed for an awakening of student intrest in foreign missions. Although none of them knew it, this was the beginning of the modern missionary movement. On the 175th anniversary of the Haystack Prayer Meeting, a key group of leaders met to examine ways to finish the task of reaching the world for Jesus Christ. Their comments are found in The Unfinished Task a book which presents new perspectives for missionaries and those considering a missions vocation, it will inspire and challenge all who are concerned with irissions. Compiled by John E. Kyle; Foreward by Ralph D. Winter. List Price: $6.95 Your Price: $4.20

Global Prayer Digest

A publication designed to increase awareness of the "Hidden Peoples" through fostering daily prayer on different topics related to frontier missions. Published monthly by The Frontier Fellowship. One Issue: $0.75 Postage Included) Yearly Subscription (12 Issues  Postage Included): $6.00 (U.S.) $13.50 (Foreign  Surface) $20.00 (Foreign  Air)

Unreached Peoples of the World Chart

A graphic illustration of the worlds population, separated into people groups. Shows vividly the "reached" vs the "unreached" people in each division. Also depicts the an'mount of missionaries and their locations around the world in regards to the need for them in the unreached groups. (19" x 25") Price: $0.80 (Including postage.)


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