MF Now Provides You with the Best in Mission, Christian and World News on the Web
Have you seen the Mission Frontiers website yet? Things are happening. Since our major move in November 1998 to we ha,ve labored to make your internet visit to MF an exciting and rewarding time.
Perhaps you already knew that you could look at back issues online. But did you know that we now have back issues available all the way to 1987? That's as far back as the computer files go! Prior to 1987, Mission Frontiers (like most other magazines) was produced with old paste-up techniques.
Perhaps our most exciting new addition to the site has been that of "MF News Central." For twenty years, Mission Frontiers has brought you a unique perspective on the world, but we cannot begin to cover all the missions activity. That's where News Central can help. We have pulled together many news and research web sites we feel will be helpful to you. Rick Wood spent many hours snooping, surfing and searching to pull these links together.
Currently the hundreds of links are categorized in three main areas: Mission news, Christian news and US/World news. Each of these has several subcategories available (see diagram at the right).
Some people have asked why we took so much time to include general world news in our links, "Isn't that beyond the scope of MF?" Although that is somewhat accurate, we felt that you may find these links quite helpful to keep in touch with what is happening in various parts of the world. For instance, I was able to find a newspaper that I read when I worked in Chile. It was only three "clicks" from the Mission Frontiers front page.
MF News Central is exciting because, although these resources have been out there for a while, they were never easy to find. We have done the hard work for you. If you have suggestions, don't hesitate to let us know.