This is an article from the November-December 1986 issue: The First Ten Years, The Last Campaign

Helping Mission Agencies!

Helping Mission Agencies!

A new excitement to finish the mission task is sweeping the mission world.

"God has useil the U.S. Center to expand our vision from the geographic to the demographic from countries and areas to people groups,' said Edwin Walker, US. director of Worldteam, in a recent interview.Dr. J. Allen Thompson, Worldtearn's general director, acknowledged in a letter to Worldteam constituents, "God has dealt strongly with us about our priorities."

"We are to become primarily a pioneer church planting mission. That means focusing our energies and resources on stoning new churches in unreached areas and people groups of the world.

"To nurture this vision for the unreached, we will continue vigorous research and soon begin to issue a Worldteam edition of the Global Prayer Digest."

According to Walker, Thompson's letter indicates "a shift in focus" and "more than mere cosmetic changes" for the agency.

"Worldteam has always been involved in institutional ministries." said.

"That's how we got stoned in 1928 with the Cuba Bible Institute. As the years went by, however, we found we were not on the cutting edge of reaching out to reached peoples.

"We got into a 'church development syndrome,' without having any clear policy on closure."

Having established a ministry in an area, the mission wasn't sure why, when, or how it should move on.

"In 1978 we began to undergo an identity crisis," Walker said. 'We began to ask ourselves, 'Who are we? What are we fling to accomplish?"Over the last three years, Worldteani has begun to forge some answers. 'We've decided our focus is to reach unreached peoples in urban settings. Our means: pioneer church planting. God has called us to pioneer church planting among unreached peoples"

Walker said the agency's new focus upon unreached peoples has had an effect not only upon goals and ministries, but upon giving patterns as well, "Our income so far this year is up 13 percent over the same period last year." he said. "We think we're hearing a new wind blowing. Our clarified focus is catching!"

What Others Are Saying

The US, Center provides, for us, the means to inform United Methodists of the unreached peoples of the world, Through the highly developed awareness information they provide, we are able to mobilize thousands of United Methodists for missions renewal in our denomination.

Our goal is 200,000 United Methodists united in daily prayer and support for those who need to hear and respond to Christ's call to become His disciples!

Julia McLean William

The Mission Society for United Methodists

I believe that Ralph Winter is doing more for the hidden peoples than any other person I know. By sharing his vision, he has made individual Christians and their churches aware of the needs of die impeached peoples, including the need for the Scrip. rates. This has created a climate that has enabled Wycliffe to continue to expend its work with the Bibleless language groups.

I wish the Center for World Mission every success in the "Last $1000" Campaign effort.

Bernie May
U,S. Division Wycliffe Bible Translators


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