This is an article from the November-December 1993 issue: Will We Fail Again?

Fresh News From The Center

Fresh News From The Center

MA Program Inquiries and Notes

From "Down Under": "I will be happy to serve as a mentor for anyone in Tasmania, Australia who wishes to enroll for the program. There could well be many students in our own college who find the course desirable."

"Congratulations on the excellent materials you have been sending our way. (My student) just began week 6. Soon he will be leading a missions ministry trip to Paraguay... This worthy hiatus in study time only underscores one more advantage of this terrific M.A. Program. Thanks for all your labors & especially for the expanded collection of materials that I receive as mentor, which serve to enhance my ability to track with the student. Keep up the good work!"

Steve Burg, M.A. Program, newsletter June-July 1993

Chinese Church Established in Russia

In response to the tremendous needs of evangelism, mission and church planting in eastern Russia, 30 Chinese Christians spent two weeks there for evangelistic crusades and church planting ministries in June. Three evangelistic meetings were conducted in each of three cities. In the town of Palatka, 1 131 Russians and 310 Chinese received Christ into their lives. The main highlight of the trip was the inauguration of the first Chinese Church in Russian in Khabarovsk with 119 Chinese traders, local residents and university students attending the first meeting. More laborers are urgently needed for the reaping and nurturing of the Russians and Chinese while the doors are still wide open.

Great Commission Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, July 8, 1993

Regional Office News

The USCWMâs Southeast Regional Office will increase its workload by assuming direct supervision of ten Perspectives classes throughout the Southeast U.S. this coming Spring. A volunteer coming on board is making it possible to take this responsibility away from the Perspectives headquarters in Pasadena, providing needed relief from an ever increasing workload.

Regional Offices, USCWM, August 1993 - 4900 Learn of God's Heart for the World

This past year a regional Caleb Resources Traveling Team was able to give 41 creative mission presentations to campus Christian ministries in Greater Los Angeles, such as Campus Crusade for Christ, Inter Varsity, Korean-American Christian Fellowship, and Asian-American Christian Fellowship. Presentations were provided for a number of local churches as well. Over 4900 people were taught about Godâs heart for the world and motivated to take specific steps toward involvement in world evangelization. Interested groups in the LA area can schedule presentations by calling Caleb Resources LA at: (818) 398-2371.

Wade Harland, August '93

Breakthrough among a People in China

A major minority group in Northern Yunnan province in southwest China have long been given over to Satan worship and held by demonic powers. In recent weeks, wonderful breakthroughs have taken place. Over 160 have made decisions for Christ and now need serious prayer for their growth in the Lord and that theyâll be kept from Satanâs backlash.

Perspectives Impact Grows

Perspectives on the 1Vorld Christian Movement continues to grow in international influence and now provides mission training for New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, Canada, Mexico, and Papua New Guinea. It is proposed for England, Germany, Russia, Mongolia, South Korea and throughout Central and South America.

Perspectives, USCWM, August 20, 1 993

Media I Missions to India Consultation

Twenty-one people attended this consultation in Pasadena, CA from around the world. One of the practical results was the launching of a new project to collect 16mm Christian films from international film libraries for use in India. The 16mm format is a common in India, yet it is becoming obsolete elsewhere. Already one film library, Gateway Films, has donated and shipped 124 films to the collection center in Pasadena, CA. Some of the titles are: Paulâs Ministry, Jesus Teaches, John Bunyan. and the New Media Bible. An outdoor showing of a film, in an Indian village, will draw hundreds. Inquiries write to; The Media Consortium, Box 40400, Pasadena, CA 91114

Institute of  Hindu Studies, USCWM, August 18,1993

Connect with India

India Network News is a newsletter of resources on missions to India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and Sikkim. Here you will find books, Indian mission agencies, up and coming conferences, short term trips, and other useful items. Mission trends, Adopt-A-People, research results, and mission insights from key leaders are found in this free quarterly report. Write to: Institute of Hindu Studies, 1605 Elizabeth Street, Pasadena, CA 91104.

Institute of Hindu Studies, USCWM, August 18, 1993)

Lay Mission Training in Hong Kong

China Ministries International is starting a new ministry called the China Mission Training Institute, providing a one year program of lay training in Hong Kong. CMI is asking Hong Kong young people in their 20s & 30s to commit to training for ministry in China. It combines practical training in Hong Kong with on the job experience in China.

Brent Fulton, China Ministries International, August 20, 1993

Historic Consultation For Children's Missions

This historic ACMC/New Hope Consultation, held at the facilities of the Womenâs Missionary Union/New Hope Publishing House, Birmingham, Alabama (May 20-23) was attended by eleven specialists in childrenâ mission education, seven New Hope staff members and Gerry Dueck, Director of the Childrenâs Missions Resource Center of the USCWM. Gerry reported a very profitable time of sharing ideas and discussing the need for networking among agencies and denominations. New Hope is the publishing arm of Womenâs Missionary Union (WMU) of the Southern Baptists. Among other positive developments: the staff of WMU/New Hope wants to see every editor and writer take the Perspectives course as a prerequisite to writing and teaching childrenâs missions materials. This includes their own staff at New

Hope Publishing. Gerry Dueck, USCWM, May 1993


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