Human Trafficking:The Church Should Stop Supporting It!

This issue of Mission Frontiers takes on the very challenging topic of human trafficking in the world around us. As followers of Jesus we must sometimes face the ugliness of our world head-on in order to do what is right in the sight of our Lord. We have done our best to present this topic honestly, but with a great deal of discretion in describing the abuse that these modern-day slaves experience. Some readers may object to our covering this topic at all, but the sheer tragedy of 25+ million precious people being enslaved in our day demands that we as Jesus followers speak up in their defense. As representatives of God on earth, we must take action to set the captives free. In numerous places in this issue of MF we provide you with specific steps you can take to stop human trafficking and those industries that fuel it. We don’t just lament the problem but we provide specific solutions to defeat this global menace. Read and take action!

This Month's Articles

Jesus Asked Us to Rescue the Perishing and Set the Captives Free Editorial

Jesus Asked Us to Rescue the Perishing and Set the Captives Free

Human trafficking is a topic that I wish I did not have to cover in the pages of Mission Frontiers. It is ugly and disgusting and does not make for a “pleasant” reading experience. But as followers of Jesus we must sometimes face the ugliness of our world head-on in order to do what is right in the sight of our Lord. We have done our best to present this topic honestly, but with a great deal of discretion in describing the abuse that these modern- day slaves experience. Some readers may object to our covering this topic at all, but the sheer tragedy of 25+ million precious people being enslaved in our day demands that we as Jesus followers speak up in their defense.


What Is Human Trafficking? Feature

What Is Human Trafficking?

Human trafficking has truly become a global threat to vulnerable men, women, and children worldwide. It is an injustice that affects millions of people every year on every continent and at all socioeconomic levels. Human trafficking is a highly organized and lucrative business, generating 150 billion USD per year, 99 billion of which is generated by sex trafficking within the prostitution industry.


Trafficked at 18 Into the LA Porn Industry Feature

Trafficked at 18 Into the LA Porn Industry

At the height of my vulnerability, as a mentally ill eighteen-year-old, I was trafficked into the porn industry in Los Angeles. Over one hundred pornographic videos of me were made in a year, over forty of which are still featured on Pornhub. The videos were made over 10 years ago at one of the lowest and most vulnerable times in my life. It is disturbing to know that people are still watching these videos as well as reviewing and ranking me.


The U.S. Government Response to Human Trafficking Feature

The U.S. Government Response to Human Trafficking

COMMITTED TO ERADICATING HUMAN TRAFFICKING: President Trump has signed four bills in recent weeks that demonstrate the bipartisan commitment to end human trafficking.


Let’s Put An End to Sex Trafficking Feature

Let’s Put An End to Sex Trafficking

The Law Reform Team from Exodus Cry works with the governments and legislators in the United States and in nations around the world to implement legislation that creates criminal culpability for sex buyers, pimps, and traffickers, and brings freedom and support to victims. History has shown that the rule of law is an integral part of establishing an equitable society that holds perpetrators accountable and fosters support for the vulnerable. We are asking political powers to enact and enforce laws that will eradicate exploitation in the sex industry and eliminate sex trafficking. This is absolutely necessary to restore and preserve freedom and justice in society.


15 Mind-Blowing Statistics About Pornography And The Church Feature

15 Mind-Blowing Statistics About Pornography And The Church

Statistics reveal that the increase in the amount and reach of pornography cannot be ignored. But it is not just a problem affecting men. Women, teenagers and children are also being caught in the web of pornography at alarming rates. Many Christians may assume that the Church is immune. They see the smiling faces of the people who attend their church. Certainly such godly folks could not be viewing pornography. But many studies and reports have come out over the last several years that show quite a disturbing picture. Not only has pornography invaded churches, but in many cases, the statistics show that Christians – and even church pastors – engage in viewing porn at almost the same rates as the secular population. What The Numbers Show

Tags: porn, pornography

The Porn Industry is Modern-day Slavery: How Pornography and Sex Trafficking Are Linked Feature

The Porn Industry is Modern-day Slavery: How Pornography and Sex Trafficking Are Linked

To most people, sex trafficking is a problem that exists in distant foreign countries. You may think, “But it certainly isn’t something that would involve me, is it?” If you view pornography, then the answer is “Yes.” The truth is, porn and sex trafficking have strong links, even in the United States, where the sex trafficking industry is worth $3 billion a year.


Sweden’s Secret Weapon in the Fight Against Sex Trafficking and Why It’s So Effective Feature

Sweden’s Secret Weapon in the Fight Against Sex Trafficking and Why It’s So Effective

Some in the battle against sex trafficking have praised what they call “the Swedish Model” for fighting prostitution and other parts of the illegal trade. A big part of the Swedish Model was to make it illegal to buy sex, but not to sell it. Per Sunesson, the Swedish Ambassador-at-Large for Combatting Trafficking in Persons, told CBN News why Sweden decided to do this and why it’s been hugely successful. “Prostitution used to be legal in Sweden and we had a big problem with gender inequality, a big problem with men’s violence against women,” Sunesson said. “So we really looked into this issue and the connection to prostitution. There was a lot of violence going on, and allowing men to buy women is not exactly gender equality, right?”

Tags: swedish model

Swedish Model as an Example to Prevent Human Trafficking Feature

Swedish Model as an Example to Prevent Human Trafficking

In 1997, Sweden was the first country in the European Union to appoint a National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings following a joint declaration (“The Hague Declaration”) of the European Union in 1997. This Declaration recommends all member states to appoint National Rapporteurs, who are “to report to governments on the scale, the prevention, and combating of trafficking in women.”


The Global Slave Trade: A Cause for Our Time Feature

The Global Slave Trade: A Cause for Our Time

As Christians, we worship a God who is passionate to rescue the oppressed. He has given us a biblical mandate to “seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, and plead for the widow.” (Isa. 1:17) According to a National Geographic Magazine article published in September 2003, “there are more slaves today than were seized from Africa in four centuries of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. The modern commerce in humans rivals illegal drug trafficking in its global reach—and in the destruction of lives.” Two common forms of modern-day slavery are forced labor and forced prostitution. In both situations, people profit by inflicting horrific abuse on the vulnerable. For victims of slavery, rescue is not an abstract concept but an urgent and desperate need.

Tags: global slave trade

Unreached Peoples & Trafficking? Toward the Edges

Unreached Peoples & Trafficking?

Why an issue of Mission Frontiers on the global tragedy of trafficking? How does this connect in some way to our purpose of advancing and catalyzing movements to Jesus among the least reached peoples of the earth? I want to address that from several lenses, but it might be good first to state as simply as possible what is meant by trafficking.


Disturbing the Delicate Inner Workings of Indigenous Movements Raising Local Resources

Disturbing the Delicate Inner Workings of Indigenous Movements

Have you ever had the chance to see inside an ultra-mechanical watch that has hundreds of intricate parts that work together to create the movement? No doubt each and every mechanism and piece plays an important role that only the clockmaker himself understands. But if the clock is opened by a curious hand that tries to “help it along,” the entire thing can come to a grinding halt. So it is with Disciple Making Movements (DMM).


1% of the World: A Macroanalysis of 1,369 Movements to Christ Other

1% of the World: A Macroanalysis of 1,369 Movements to Christ

24:14 Goal Movement engagements in every unreached people and place by 2025 (62 months)

For over 25 years, I have been involved in mission research, working mostly on the global documentation of unreached places, peoples and efforts to reach them. During that time, I have worked with a variety of projects, from the second edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia in the late 1990s to my current work documenting movements.


The Future of Frontier Missions and the World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition Other

The Future of Frontier Missions and the World Christian Encyclopedia, 3rd edition

The year 2020 marks 10 years since a series of meetings in Tokyo, Edinburgh, Cape Town, and Boston commemorating the 100th anniversary of the 1910 Edinburgh World Missionary Conference. This year also marks the publication of a seminal reference work in mission and World Christianity: the 3rd edition of the World Christian Encyclopedia, produced by Todd M. Johnson and Gina A. Zurlo (Edinburgh University Press). Furthermore, 2020 marks a decade since the publication of an earlier major reference work, the Atlas of Global Christianity, 1910–2010 (Edinburgh University Press), produced by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and copiously referenced in anticipation of and during these global gatherings. One of the Atlas’s purposes was to map the presence of Christianity around the world and to assess Christian mission and evangelization. In doing so, it brought attention to peoples and places around the world where Christianity had not yet reached.

Tags: world christian encyclopedia

Tribute to David J. Cho, 1924–2020 Further Reflections

Tribute to David J. Cho, 1924–2020

One of the most accomplished mission leaders of our lifetime died in June. His life is a story of deep commitment to the Lord and commission to spreading the gospel around the globe. Unfortunately, few in the West noticed his passing. His life intersected with Ralph D. Winter. They were peers in missions – born weeks and worlds apart


Support the Mission of MF Other

Support the Mission of MF

For 42 years now, Mission Frontiers and Frontier Ventures have been servants to the frontier mission movement in casting vision and providing resources to see Kingdom Movements fostered in all peoples. Now we are asking you to prayerfully consider supporting Mission Frontiers and Frontier Ventures as vehicles for the vision we mutually share. —Rick Wood, Editor of Mission Frontiers Dear Kingdom Partner, In this time of unprecedented crisis and change I am grateful for your engagement with the frontier mission movement. Your continued interest, prayers, and in many cases, practical actions have served to further the Kingdom. No one has been left untouched by the global events of 2020. Please know that as a community we are committed to praying for you and for your families. Our aim is unchanged after forty years—movements to Jesus within every people. This year of global pandemic was no different. As a result of the Lord’s grace and strategic adjustments throughout our ministries, we are thankful to share the following advancements:
